Laptop configuration for best performance


Super Star
I got the ionico 17 with rtx 3060, can some one tell me the best setting for the three profiles? I will use office for battery only, gaming for work and small rendering stuff. performance should perform best but not to hot loud 😂🙌. I would be really thankfull guys
Performance is recommended for short bursts of heavy load (like benchmarks or shortish renders), as it will make your laptop run hotter and a louder.
Office is for every day medium to light load, like browsing, excel/word, streaming, or even for gaming where the CPU is not very important (mainly on old ones) or when you need to have it running quieter on the expense of a few FPS. I play FM21 on this mode, for example.
Gaming is recommended for gaming (of course :p ) and those loads where performance is required for longer periods of time (like hours).

Thanks for sharing your results, will update the rank soon. (y)


Under Battery whatever you write in the CC 3.x page is not used. It goes like PL2 = 35W and PL1 lower than that (maybe PL1 = 20W or 15W, didn't test much longer)

So you can play with your profile settings sliders only at the wall. My usage is:

Office: PL1 = PL2 = 25W, TCC offset = 10 (throttling at 90°C). Fan curve edited to lower the noise)

Entertainment: PL1 = PL2 = 35W, TCC offset less pronounced (higher temp allowed). Ideal for GPU bound gaming. Auto fan curve

Beast: different profiles, all with Auto fan curve
B1: PL1 = PL2 = 45W, ideal for balanced gaming
B2: PL1 = 60, PL2 = 75W, ideal for more CPU bound workloads, or CPU bound gaming?
B3: PL1 = PL2 = 120W ideal for CPU benchmarks

I mean, you have literally 15 profiles with Tongfang to choose and customzie. You can't go wrong. Depend on what you're doing. ^^

PS: I saw these profiles seems to work better if you are running Throttlestop in the Background (and its TPL are set to the highest possible: PL1 = PL2 = 120W, as CC can't overcome those limits), but YMMV.


You missed to tick the TGP = 125W and DB at 15W (not 5) for instance.
Plus we did it with more than 75W on our benchmarks (set at 120W, realistically it was well under), and with MAX Fans, not Auto.
Finally with the CPU Undervolt (made w/ Throttlestop, not the CC, mind you, that's fake).


Bronze Level Poster
Here's my settings:
I used 3DMark FireStrike on Steam Demo version so I couldn't change anything.
CC Settings as it should be on Turbo Mode Profile-1
Undervolted both CPU Cach and CPU Cores by -75mv.

Could someone check this for me please and could tell me is there any thing to do?
Throttlestop is too complex to me. There are tons of things can be clicked or can be changed. I even don't know the settings on TS (Game, Performance etc.) works but all I did just following what Macco's said. I did not want to change anything to cause my laptop unstable. A few tips would be greatful!

Many thanks to @Macco26 and @Romain337


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You did a great job with TS, I'm planning in doing a video about that + CC for PL, but not immediately. You touched the right things.,

Just set Max Auto fans (where you select the profile) and you should be fine.
3DMark can't be touched, and it's fine. Everyone has to use same settings to be comparable, in the end.

PS: pretty sure you can push that uV offset a bit more. Mine staying at 105 with no problem so far. Could push further.


Silver Level Poster
You did a great job with TS, I'm planning in doing a video about that + CC for PL, but not immediately. You touched the right things.,

Just set Max Auto fans (where you select the profile) and you should be fine.
3DMark can't be touched, and it's fine. Everyone has to use same settings to be comparable, in the end.

PS: pretty sure you can push that uV offset a bit more. Mine staying at 105 with no problem so far. Could push further.
This is great for turbo and perfo demo, however what have you set for gaming where it matters in the real world? Did you undervolt this too?


Bronze Level Poster
You did a great job with TS, I'm planning in doing a video about that + CC for PL, but not immediately. You touched the right things.,

Just set Max Auto fans (where you select the profile) and you should be fine.
3DMark can't be touched, and it's fine. Everyone has to use same settings to be comparable, in the end.

PS: pretty sure you can push that uV offset a bit more. Mine staying at 105 with no problem so far. Could push further.
Thanks mate. A video about that CC and TS would be amazing to watch!
Lastly, I still feel not comfortable while playing video games. I think Nvidia or some other thing can't decide which one is high priority.
Check this images below; While I'm right clicking on system tray, images and texts quality is reducing. I don't know why but in Dota2 my cursor's graphic quality reducing. There's something wrong but I don't know. Even in ultra low and ultra high settings, I get same FPS values but even in VSync ON, game is unstable, FPS drops and increase constantly between 70 to 100. My brother in law has PCS Clevo K series Intel CPU and GPU GTX1080, He is getting stable 120fps during game. But why I cant stable my game to 120fps? Even in ultra low settings I cant stable my game to 120 fps.


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First but offtopic. Your TS is off. Green tray icon means off. There is a button in TS to reactivate.
About the resolution, I also have Nvidia control panel slightly blurry. That does not mean I have FPS hiccup (I have not tested DOTA tbh, but anything else seems fine).
As already told in other threads, Tongfang suggests to install FIRSTLY the Intel + Nvidia graphics drivers shipped with the Laptop.
THEN update them via Nvidia website etc.
This might be due to the deep links between Intel, Optimus, Nvidia, and the Tongfang control panel, customized for this laptop.

Did you use this method? Or just used Windows Update + Nvidia website?

PS: I don't know if needed but in the Windows Settings you can assign a given GPU to a given app. It's automatic else. You can try to assign DOTA to the Nvidia GPU, just to be sure.


This is great for turbo and perfo demo, however what have you set for gaming where it matters in the real world? Did you undervolt this too?
Undervolt is always useful, no matter what. It's not overclocking, overvolting. If the CPU can live with less voltage (e.g. no BSOD in any circumnstances), the better for thermals, max Ghz achievable, etc.
Yes, I keep 105 uV at all times. Even under battery operation.
PS: first time I am trying battery operation for this thing. Started at 8:00, now it's 13:00 here and 29% remaining (estimated + 2:40 hr more)


Bronze Level Poster
Your TS is off. Green tray icon means off. There is a button in TS to reactivate.
Dang! Didn't realise that. I shall retest my laptop while TS is on.

I play RDR2 while most settings on high or ultra, not a single FPS drops happened. Get 70-80 fps during game which that is awesome!
But can't say the same for DOTA2. I just wanted to be stable on 120 fps.

Or just used Windows Update + Nvidia website
I updated Windows first then updated Nvidia Driver and then installed Geforce Experience on website.
you can assign a given GPU to a given app. It's automatic else. You can try to assign DOTA to the Nvidia GPU, just to be sure
I've done that already but nothing changed. There is something wrong with my Dota2 and Nvidia but I will sort it out later. So far so good. Can't complain. All works fine, I am sol happy to have Ionico :)
Thanks for advices @Macco26 !!


To be frank, Team Fortress 2 is performing worse than Overwatch, and also TF2 has Souce engine. It's bad coded possibly. While gaming it goes like 90-140 fps. While overwatch stays in the 165 hz easily.

PS: just received by PCS the new BIOS to re-enable the MUX. Will take my time to prepare that thing. Now I'm working and on battery, so hope to check it out once battery is back, undervolt suspended (tbh is on reboot, I think uV isn't applied but.. well, anything bad and I brick the pc)..


Bronze Level Poster
To be frank, Team Fortress 2 is performing worse than Overwatch, and also TF2 has Souce engine. It's bad coded possibly. While gaming it goes like 90-140 fps. While overwatch stays in the 165 hz easily.

PS: just received by PCS the new BIOS to re-enable the MUX. Will take my time to prepare that thing. Now I'm working and on battery, so hope to check it out once battery is back, undervolt suspended (tbh is on reboot, I think uV isn't applied but.. well, anything bad and I brick the pc)..
How do we get the new BIOS? Should we send email to PCS or will they upload to the download page for owners?


I imagine you shall ask to them. Not yet installed mine, but I know of another person who asked PCS about the MUX which received the email before me. I got same email from a PCS employee (the Italian assistance).
Don't know if they'll publish in the account page. Since flashing BIOS is always risky I bet they won't put unless requested. Too risk of an RMA if something goes wrong.

I'll add some pictures in the thread I've made.
Just for the preparatory thing.
Not yet done anything serious yet (aka flash)


Bronze Level Poster
Aye, better not to touch for now. @Macco26 , when I opened TS, should I close CC? Both works together well? For example; two different values set on both programs, how laptop decide which one is going to be use? I mean, i can set differeny values for power limit on both program but how can I be sure which one is using?


They work pretty well togheter. If CC is in background, it wins the fine tuning, BUT can't push limits BEYOND those imposed by TS.
So you put TS = 120 + 120. Then CC will adapt to 60 60, 35 35, 45 34, whatever, with the press of a button.

PS: a discover of today, don't keep CC opened with the Monitoring sheet too much, especially under battery. It keeps the Nvidia GPU awaken (to get some info, presumably), so it worsen the battery duration. CC in background or on any other page: fine.


Bronze Level Poster
don't keep CC opened with the Monitoring sheet too much
Well, i ll keep that in my mind. I was usally alt-tabbing to see my degrees, i know it sounds bad since i already asked you what monitor do you have, commented down below on your youtube video, but now i will keep the CC minimize on system tray.


First but offtopic. Your TS is off. Green tray icon means off. There is a button in TS to reactivate.
This is incorrect. The Turn On/Off button doesn't actually do much and it is a left over feature from older versions of TS. They are talking about removing it completely.

It is only used when applying Clock Modulation, Chipset Clock Modulation or the Set Multiplier.

As long as you hit apply after making any changes in TS those changes will be active until you close the application. You can prove this by making changes and then opening HWInfo.



This is incorrect. The Turn On/Off button doesn't actually do much and it is a left over feature from older versions of TS. They are talking about removing it completely.

It is only used when applying Clock Modulation, Chipset Clock Modulation or the Set Multiplier.

As long as you hit apply after making any changes in TS those changes will be active until you close the application. You can prove this by making changes and then opening HWInfo.

yeah I read it is for legacy reasons, but still, since something might be suspended while green off, it's a good idea to keep it turned on, until they get rid completely of the Turn off code, isn't it?



Ok back in topic. 😅
After flashed the BIOS 1.09 for the Ionico and have activated the dGPU-only mode (aka MUX) today, here the new score for me: 22366
My past best before, with Optimus was 21933. That's not that much more, but being everything equal I am happy.

Max fans, -105 mV, 120W CPU powerlimits, Coolingpad, as usual.

PS: Timespy is now 10522 for whom may be interested.
Have you asked for new bios? or they just update your downloads section?