Lance Reddick passes away aged 60

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Nooooooo! This guy was such a legend! That's so damn sad, far too early!

If anyone hasn't watched Fringe, I implore you, watch it, it's damn wonderful while being totally rediculous.


Fringe was great. I recall it was early 2014, me in the post LoveFilm (remember that?) doldrums and not clued into streaming nor having a great internet connection yet. I was out of sorts for a while, needed something to watch, something binge-y and boxset-y. Off I went to HMV with recommendations for Fringe and Breaking Bad. My only critique of either was that they were too binge-y and done way too fast.

Anyway, Lance Reddick made Fringe as much as any of the cast imo, and was always good to see popping up in a bunch of other things. The man had some chops. RIP.