Itemised Billing

Crizzy G

Gold Level Poster
Just wondering why PCS don't do itemised billing for each individual item at the time bought rather than a grand total?

This has occurred to me as I recently sent back a 2070 due to have scratches over it. I was refunded £415 for it. However when speaking to PCS staff over the phone they told me I'd have to pay £50 more for a 3070. Is it me or something isn't quite adding up?
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Author Level
Nothing dodgy about that - if you put through on a configuration the difference in price between a 2070 Super and an ordinary 3070 is £136, so to be asked only for £50 more then its a good deal isnt it?

Crizzy G

Gold Level Poster
Nothing dodgy about that - if you put through on a configuration the difference in price between a 2070 Super and an ordinary 3070 is £136, so to be asked only for £50 more then its a good deal isnt it?
No as I was then told I'd had to pay for the 3070 (in full) as I couldn't pay on top.
The amount refunded was £413 for the 2070 super. Which means I paid more the the £50 stated in the email.

I asked for a itemised bill for each individual component at time of purchase which I was told they can't do. Which seems strange.

Crizzy G

Gold Level Poster
I paid 625 for the asus strix. However when enquiring I was referring to the generic 3070. This is when I was told I had to pay only £50 more on top. Which would mean that the generic 3070 would cost £463. I'm pretty sure this was not case as I believe the starting price was around £500.

So im wondering if at the time of purchase was the 2070 actually £413 or had the the employee made a mistake.

Hence why I can't see why they can't just do an itemised bill for each component to clear things up.


Master Poster
Just wondering why PCS don't do itemised billing for each individual item at the time bought rather than a grand total?

This has occurred to me as I recently sent back a 2070 due to have scratches over it. I was refunded £415 for it. However when speaking to PCS staff over the phone they told me I'd have to pay £50 more for a 3070. Is it me or something isn't quite adding up?
Yep does seem odd, just by chance when 3070 a 2070 suddenly has scratches over it and an upgrade to a 3070 sought....


Author Level
Difference in price between a Stix 3070 and a 2070 super at moment is £255 on the configurator.
So £415 + 255 = £670 so at £625 that was a bargain and Im sure the price difference between 2070 and a 2070 super would make it even more of a bargain.

Price of a 2070 Super at moment in the configurator is £460.

Bear in mind that the reason they cant do itemised is because each element probably has a small amount for fitting time etc in there as well.

To me though the maths seems to be in your favour...

Crizzy G

Gold Level Poster
Yep does seem odd, just by chance when 3070 a 2070 suddenly has scratches over it and an upgrade to a 3070 sought....
Sorry have I misread your message or are you implying something?

The card (2070s) didn't just suddenly have scratches on it they where already there to begin with. Are you saying that its my fault that PCS sold me a 2nd hand product which I paid full price for (something that I may of never known if I hadn't decided to take the GPU out) and that I had no right to ask for upgrade to a 3070?

Please do enlighten me.
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The BSOD Doctor
Sorry have I misread your message or are you implying something?

The card (2070s) didn't just suddenly have scratches on it they where already there to begin with. Are you saying that its my fault that PCS sold me a 2nd hand product which I paid full price for (something that I may of never known if I hadn't decided to take the GPU out) and that I had no right to ask for upgrade to a 3070?

Please do enlighten me.
PCS do not sell reconditioned or second hand products. This has been covered several times already and made clear by a PCS staff member. See

PCS are system integrators, they sell complete builds. They don't sell individual parts except as part of the upgrade service for existing PCS customers. That's why they don't itemise the parts list, because you're not buying a list of parts, you're buying a complete and tested build at an agreed price.

If you were unhappy with any aspect of your build you could have returned it for a full refund. That PCS agreed to refund you for what seems to be a functioning GPU because you didn't like the look of it is a bonus - not many companies would do that for you. If you then want a different card of course you must expect to pay extra, and if you don't like the price that PCS will upgrade it for then you are free to buy your 3060 from somewhere else, and PCS will still maintain the warranty on the rest of your build - not many companies would do that either.

What's your beef?

Crizzy G

Gold Level Poster
PCS do not sell reconditioned or second hand products. This has been covered several times already and made clear by a PCS staff member. See

PCS are system integrators, they sell complete builds. They don't sell individual parts except as part of the upgrade service for existing PCS customers. That's why they don't itemise the parts list, because you're not buying a list of parts, you're buying a complete and tested build at an agreed price.

If you were unhappy with any aspect of your build you could have returned it for a full refund. That PCS agreed to refund you for what seems to be a functioning GPU because you didn't like the look of it is a bonus - not many companies would do that for you. If you then want a different card of course you must expect to pay extra, and if you don't like the price that PCS will upgrade it for then you are free to buy your 3060 from somewhere else, and PCS will still maintain the warranty on the rest of your build - not many companies would do that either.

What's your beef?
So your saying the pics below are of a brand new GPU that was sent to me?

I'm not sure what I find more worrying. That the person who made my PCS thought that it be alright putting that GPU in my case and that I'd be unlikely to look until it was too late. Or that every time I come on to this forum there seems to be a culture of some of the moderators (some not all) defending the actions of PCS when there blatantly in the wrong. Or even the fact that someone is implying that I've scratched the GPU on purpose but you have not called him out on it.

The whole point of my post is that I suspect that I've been refunded incorrectly. Yet you seem to have made a beeline for me. Which I will also note is not the 1st time. Neither am the only person who you've jumped on just because they've said something you didn't like or agree with.

Your comment that your paying for the whole build isn't really accurate if you select each part on the configurator it prices it up (therefore you are being charged a certain part that you pick)

"Because you don't like the look of your GPU"

Your dam right when I pay good money for a item I don't expect it to have all scratches on it. The same if I bought any other product from any other retailer.
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Crizzy G

Gold Level Poster
Doenst look like a brand new GPU to me.


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Master Poster
The question is,

did you supply the card or did PCS?

someone plans to get a 2nd hand card, then strangely the card with their new system has a 2070 with micro scratches..

Thanks for the response. I hear what your saying about 3070 but I prefer not to wait as the way things are looking I may not see my other build till after Xmas.
That being said if the next best option is a 2070 super then ill look on the 2nd hand market for one rather than brand new.

My plan is when its time for me to upgrade new parts for my main rig to gift them to my pure gaming rig so it doesn't fall to far behind tech wise and I'm not having to shell out twice.

I hope that makes sense?

No hate. I built a second build for just pure gaming using that same card for it but second hand.

obviously all that could just be coincidence .....

Crizzy G

Gold Level Poster
The question is,

did you supply the card or did PCS?

someone plans to get a 2nd hand card, then strangely the card with their new system has a 2070 with micro scratches..

Thanks for the response. I hear what your saying about 3070 but I prefer not to wait as the way things are looking I may not see my other build till after Xmas.
That being said if the next best option is a 2070 super then ill look on the 2nd hand market for one rather than brand new.

My plan is when its time for me to upgrade new parts for my main rig to gift them to my pure gaming rig so it doesn't fall to far behind tech wise and I'm not having to shell out twice.

I hope that makes sense?

No hate. I built a second build for just pure gaming using that same card for it but second hand.

obviously all that could just be coincidence .....
You are aware that an item such as a GPU has a serial number?
Which I would hope would be checked on any refund from any retailer.

Key words in my sentence "I PLAN".
In any case it still doesn't make sense your now suggesting I ordered a 2070 from pcs and also bought a second hand one. Swap them around in the hopes that pcs would exchange it for a 3070?
A very elaborate scheme.


Master Poster
You are aware that an item such as a GPU has a serial number?
Which I would hope would be checked on any refund from any retailer.

Key words in my sentence "I PLAN".
In any case it still doesn't make sense your now suggesting I ordered a 2070 from pcs and also bought a second hand one. Swap them around in the hopes that pcs would exchange it for a 3070?
A very elaborate scheme.
Plenty people have tried exactly the same con before.

obviously most sensible people don’t talk about doing it on a forum.

as I said it is a bit of a coincidence...

Crizzy G

Gold Level Poster
Plenty people have tried exactly the same con before.

obviously most sensible people don’t talk about doing it on a forum.

as I said it is a bit of a coincidence...
Again thats a really elaborate con. To purchase what you thought was a brand new gpu from pcs and to also buy a second hand gpu and switching.
Spending all that money with the certainty that pcs would exchange it for a 3070. Also the certainty that someone would purchase the 2070 still in possession for a good price to make the whole endeavour worthwhile doing in the first place. Good one 😂

I also fail to see where the coincidence is? You've picked out a statement i made when I was planning on purchasing. Thats all. You do realise that as a human being I am entitled to change my mind and decide actually you know what I'll just purchase the 2070 from pcs to save myself the hassle searching on Web for a second hand one.

Please do keep the accusations coming in and derail my thread. whilst I sip some tea.
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The BSOD Doctor
So your saying the pics below are of a brand new GPU that was sent to me?

I'm not sure what I find more worrying. That the person who made my PCS thought that it be alright putting that GPU in my case and that I'd be unlikely to look until it was too late. Or that every time I come on to this forum there seems to be a culture of some of the moderators (some not all) defending the actions of PCS when there blatantly in the wrong. Or even the fact that someone is implying that I've scratched the GPU on purpose but you have not called him out on it.

The whole point of my post is that I suspect that I've been refunded incorrectly. Yet you seem to have made a beeline for me. Which I will also note is not the 1st time. Neither am the only person who you've jumped on just because they've said something you didn't like or agree with.

Your comment that your paying for the whole build isn't really accurate if you select each part on the configurator it prices it up (therefore you are being charged a certain part that you pick)

"Because you don't like the look of your GPU"

Your dam right when I pay good money for a item I don't expect it to have all scratches on it. The same if I bought any other product from any other retailer.
If you don't like people disagreeing with you then you should be more careful in what you say. Certainly I have been critical of your post, and done so robustly. I provided evidence from a PCS manager (@moosEh) that they do not use reconditioned parts. In case you didn't bother reading the post I linked, this is what he had to say to a similar claim some time ago (his highlighting, not mine)...

I have double checked with management to make sure I provide you with the most accurate information and I can confirm the following;

We would like to assure you that all systems are dispatched with new components from our warehouse.

If there is any genuine instance when this is not the case then this would be due to human error and not our policy.

It is possible, as @moosEh says, that a card that was not new has been fitted in error. If that is the case then you are absolutely entitled to a replacement and an apology from PCS. They would need to investigate how and why that happened internally as well.

However, we don't know that it was a reconditioned card. It certainly shouldn't have been and we have no way of knowing how those marks got on there. They could have been on there from new, they could have been put on there whilst in transit to PCS, whilst it was in the PCS warehouse, whilst the PC was being built, whilst it was in testing, or even whilst it was being packed for delivery, and none of those events make it a second hand card. Of course, we also don't know whether the marks were put on there after it was delivered to you.

And yet, you don't consider any of those other possibilities, you jump straight in stating as a fact that it's a 'second hand product'...

Are you saying that its my fault that PCS sold me a 2nd hand product which I paid full price for (something that I may of never known if I hadn't decided to take the GPU out)

That is why I was robustly critical of your post, because it's not a fact it's an opinion and one that flies in the face of PCS's stated policy.

You also complain that 'there seems to be a culture of some of the moderators (some not all) defending the actions of PCS when there blatantly in the wrong'. Blatantly means 'in a shameless or conspicuous way' ( and implies that PCS knew they'd put a card in your build that wasn't new. If it transpires that you didn't get a new card I will be amongst the first asking PCS to investigate how that could have happened, so would many of the other mods who you seem so happy to malign.

You cannot just say what comes into your head on here, if you're going to state something as a fact you'd better be able to prove it.

As for the prices on the configurator, you know as well as I that they are there to allow customers to configure a build they know they can afford, and so that they can make wise trade-offs in order to get the best build for their budget. However, once you click proceed the only price that matters in the total price. Your invoice doesn't list the price of each component only the total price, and nor should it because you've bought a custom built PC, not a collection of parts.

Crizzy G

Gold Level Poster
If you don't like people disagreeing with you then you should be more careful in what you say. Certainly I have been critical of your post, and done so robustly. I provided evidence from a PCS manager (@moosEh) that they do not use reconditioned parts. In case you didn't bother reading the post I linked, this is what he had to say to a similar claim some time ago (his highlighting, not mine)...

It is possible, as @moosEh says, that a card that was not new has been fitted in error. If that is the case then you are absolutely entitled to a replacement and an apology from PCS. They would need to investigate how and why that happened internally as well.

However, we don't know that it was a reconditioned card. It certainly shouldn't have been and we have no way of knowing how those marks got on there. They could have been on there from new, they could have been put on there whilst in transit to PCS, whilst it was in the PCS warehouse, whilst the PC was being built, whilst it was in testing, or even whilst it was being packed for delivery, and none of those events make it a second hand card. Of course, we also don't know whether the marks were put on there after it was delivered to you.

And yet, you don't consider any of those other possibilities, you jump straight in stating as a fact that it's a 'second hand product'...

That is why I was robustly critical of your post, because it's not a fact it's an opinion and one that flies in the face of PCS's stated policy.

You also complain that 'there seems to be a culture of some of the moderators (some not all) defending the actions of PCS when there blatantly in the wrong'. Blatantly means 'in a shameless or conspicuous way' ( and implies that PCS knew they'd put a card in your build that wasn't new. If it transpires that you didn't get a new card I will be amongst the first asking PCS to investigate how that could have happened, so would many of the other mods who you seem so happy to malign.

You cannot just say what comes into your head on here, if you're going to state something as a fact you'd better be able to prove it.

As for the prices on the configurator, you know as well as I that they are there to allow customers to configure a build they know they can afford, and so that they can make wise trade-offs in order to get the best build for their budget. However, once you click proceed the only price that matters in the total price. Your invoice doesn't list the price of each component only the total price, and nor should it because you've bought a custom built PC, not a collection of parts.

Tbh I'm done arguing turns out pcs has refunded me incorrectly the whole point of this thread. Case closed.