Instructions Regarding Submitting My Own Case For a Custom Build


Active member
Hi guys,

So I've decided to submit a case of my own to PCS for use in a custom build I ordered yesterday. Now, I have the required address and the case in my possession but I was wondering if any of you knew what else I should be putting in the parcel to send to PCS? I was thinking my name and order number made sense, but there was no mention anywhere on site about if I needed to include anything else specific. Help or guidance from anyone would be much appreciated.


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If you click on the "Send your own case" icon in the configurator you get the above pop up giving you instructions :D


Active member
If you click on the "Send your own case" icon in the configurator you get the above pop up giving you instructions :D
Thanks for your response. I've seen that pop up before and have taken all that information into account, but I was wondering whether or not I had to include some identifiers in the box I sent that lets PCS know that it's my case, what order it's for etc.


Thanks for your response. I've seen that pop up before and have taken all that information into account, but I was wondering whether or not I had to include some identifiers in the box I sent that lets PCS know that it's my case, what order it's for etc.
read point 3


Author Level
I would expect it wouldnt really matter too much about whats in the packaging as if I was them, I would keep it in the packaging until such time as it is ready to build - this helps with storing it and not scratching or breaking it whilst it is stored.

However, what I do suggest is that if you are likely to put any additional HDDs in that you may have already or if you are ordering it having got your own graphics card, is that you put in a note to the case saying exactly what you are installing in addition to what you have asked them to build and if they would not mind putting the cables in position ready for your installation.


And don't forget if you buy the case on Amazon, you can actually get amazon to send it direct, just put the order # as part of the address


Just make sure you include the exact case information & place you purchased it from in the form box. When the order goes into Pre-Production you'll receive an email from them telling you that they received your case.


Active member
Just make sure you include the exact case information & place you purchased it from in the form box. When the order goes into Pre-Production you'll receive an email from them telling you that they received your case.
Thanks, will do.