Bright Spark
There ya go, I am sure you will find my answers very interesting
There ya go, I am sure you will find my answers very interesting
Ahh, someone who also appreciates how **** a lot of hit detection boxes are. Long answer short, there are games with good hit detection, but it is difficult to get what seems like that.
Long answer; unfortunately when it comes to hit boxes you have to compromise because of limited memory, hence why hit boxes are boxes, it utilizes to much memory to incorporate skin like hit detection. Consoles have a lot to blame for most of games problems and setbacks because there hardware is just too dated, and pretty much most games are ported from a console (Skyrim and DirextX 9 & limited to 2GB Memory anyone?)
Consoles are a joke, but they are the reason for a crazy influx of gamers the past 6 years and thus is good for the industry and i'm not going to deny I have spent my fair share of game time on them, but purely because I don't really have any real life friends who are PC gamers.