How do I create a link to another thread?


Can someone give me an 'idiots guide' on how to insert a link to another thread when I am replying to a post?



Use the "Insert Link" button highlighted and copy and paste the threads URL into the box



you missed out the :
Now youve got two http://
And now its dissapeared completely which is weird as the normal reason for that is moderation
but youve surely posted enough to post without moderation

haha sorry bout that i clearly have too much time on my hands
Oh by the way if you enter the advanced editor it automatically 'parses' your links so when i write
www . google . com it automatically adds the [url ] and [ /url] around it

Actually as i think pengipete says if you read down
the basic editor does it too (Quick reply)
Last edited:


Woooo you did it :p

I didnt even know you could delete posts so we both learnt something today hahaha


Woooo you did it :p

I didnt even know you could delete posts so we both learnt something today hahaha

Nor did I. Maybe it was because nobody had posted after it or something.

Anyway, thanks, and it's goodnight from me (and it's goodnight fom him) :)


Rising Star
Links are automatically parsed in the standard editor. The advanced editor is more - advanced - and displays links, text effects etc directly rather than showing the formatting commands. The globe icon allows you to turn a pwrd or phrase into a link without actually displaying the link location - to use that, type the word you want to use, highlight it then click the globe and enter your link into the box. The highlighted word will now appear as a link - by default it will be written in blue and underlined.

You can chose which editor you use by default by clicking on the "Settings" button at the top of the page and selecting "General Settings" on your personal pages. The option is at the bottom of the page.

You can delete posts anytime - as long as the forum admins haven't set a specific time limit globally or individually. It's generally considered bad netiquette to delete posts on a forum - partly because it can alter the context of following posts and partly because some people have been known to delete all of their posts when they leave a forum in a huff. It can also make people think that your posts were deleted for breaking some rule or other - which doesn't do you justice. If you make mistake or post something that you regret, it's better to edit the text and leave a brief message (no need to explain in detail - just a non-commital note) rather than deleting the post. That also gives you the option of leaving parts of the post in place - it's rare that a post contains absolutely nothing worth reading.

There's also a warning in the forum FAQ's that deleting the first post in a thread may delete the entire thread - worth bearing in mind.


I deleted one recently because out of impatience at the post not appearing
i assumed it hadnt been posted and repeated myself only to find two identicallish posts :p (Duhhhh)


Rising Star
it's rare that a post contains absolutely nothing worth reading.

Speak for yourself pengi - i'd have thought that this applies to most of my contributions :hammer:

All of your posts are valuable - they give the rest of us something to talk about :tt2:

Seriously; how dull would the forum be if it just contained questions and "right" answers (if there is such a thing in many cases)? I think we do a pretty good job between us - it's rare that anyone ever has to wait more than a few minutes for someone to at least begin to help them with a problem and the whole place is far more friendly and relaxed than most IT forums.


All of your posts are valuable - they give the rest of us something to talk about :tt2:

Seriously; how dull would the forum be if it just contained questions and "right" answers (if there is such a thing in many cases)? I think we do a pretty good job between us - it's rare that anyone ever has to wait more than a few minutes for someone to at least begin to help them with a problem and the whole place is far more friendly and relaxed than most IT forums.

Yup i do miss all the racism, discrimination and general hatred that other forums other
I think were missing out on something here guys

I mean aint penguins the stupidest ass creatures ever :p


Yes my son
that is a creation and a half

I want to become a scientist now and make this happen


Rising Star
Would you have to throw it fish sticks? Would it chase catfish?

Actually, it looks more it's crossed with a husky than a wolf - it's a Pesky!


incidentally (Courtesy of a Penguin bar)

What do mother Penguins say to their children before they go out in the dark? . . .

Beak careful out there.