Gaming 5090 Build


Behold The Ford Mondeo
Hi all,

I noticed that PCS seem to be offering only the lower tier 5090 cards on their website. The ASUS TUF, the Zotac Solid and the MSI Ventus 3xOC. I know stocks are low be they could be left on pre-order.

Does anyone know if this was a conscious choice and why?


Can you please stop creating new threads. This has already been highlighted to you. Stick to the one thread so that there's a constant flow of conversation that can be followed. I've refrained from a warning as it seems petty but if you keep insisting there won't be a choice and it'll lead to a ban for something so trivial.


Silver Level Poster
Hi all,

I noticed that PCS seem to be offering only the lower tier 5090 cards on their website. The ASUS TUF, the Zotac Solid and the MSI Ventus 3xOC. I know stocks are low be they could be left on pre-order.

Does anyone know if this was a conscious choice and why?


As Spyder said, only PCS staff would know so you'd need to send them a message if you really want to know.

It could simply be their suppliers only deal with those specific models/brands; could be that they don't feel it benefits their customers to offer the high end ones that offer a % or 2 maybe for an outlay of, at times, hundreds of pounds over the price of others (as Tony outlined above). PCS's primary supply of GPUs has ordinarily been Pallit and Zotac with a sprinkling of others...during the COVID times, they did start stocking others as supplies were hard to come by so they took whatever they could get their hands on. Since then, they have offered more of a selection

Ultimately, if you don't like the choice they offer, then order a system without one and source your own