Flight Simulator 2024


Behold The Ford Mondeo
Tried out the PSVR2 tonight in the game. I'm not sure if it was the driver that broke it or not but I had far less hassles tonight that I have in the past.

I set the PSVR2 resolution to 80%
Switched on DLSS and set it to Balanced
Put the main setting option to "high end" and then went in and set a number of things to medium or low that I thought were inconsequential.

The performance?? Abysmal. Honestly, I have no idea why this game is running SOOOOO badly in VR.

It's visually stunning but I would expect a far smoother experience in honesty. I was averaging in the region of 30FPS. 40FPS with some sort of consistency would see a good experience. It doesn't sound that far off but that's another 3rd required and consistency required along with that third.

TAA wouldn't even run, neither would off. I've no idea what on earth is going on with it.

Hopefully all this will get settled out.

In another note though, the game plays amazing through VR. I did one of the missions and I just felt so much more in control. Flat panel would be fine with the controls etc but playing with a gamepad just makes the game very difficult. VR just gives that spatial awareness that you don't get in 2d. There's definite promise but ensure you have at least a 5090 on the go :ROFLMAO:


Behold The Ford Mondeo
Ok.... after a lot of mucking around I've finally got it playing quite well.

It's a strange space to be honest. The visuals are so much better in 2024 IMO, but they're then washed out with having to turn on DLSS quite heavily. I can just about manage 25fps with TAA but it's just not really playable. The resolution has to come down and all sorts.

My settings ended up pretty much the same as above. The major change that helped a lot was to turn of the Windows hardware scheduling thing. It really doesn't work well with MSFS at all, I think it was the same with 2020 to be honest. One of the guides I seen suggested turning it on, but not sure why that would work with others, it's awful for me.

Currently seeing around 40FPS at 80% resolution on the PSVR2. DLSS set to balanced (performance does help but takes away the shine of even some of the closer buildings etc).

After I got it to where I wanted it I went for a red bull type fly around a course. In VR with the motion rig I cannot explain how much fun it is.

Just to test a theory I stuck on ETS2 and low and behold, turning of the scheduler also removed a little stutter I was getting every few seconds there too.

All in all, it's been worthwhile. My eyes are sore now though as DLSS makes you think your vision is blurred so you try to correct. Won't be any long haul flights involved here :D


Active member
Whilst waiting for my new machine to come I’ve been reading on install paths. Is there a way to install this onto the non OS drive do you know? Seems a lot of people are complaining about it going onto their C drives and you can’t change it?


Behold The Ford Mondeo
I've not looked at FS2024 but I will have a gander once I'm home (away with work for the week).

FS2020 you could definitely change the install path and cache directories etc though

FS2024 I definitely have installed on my non-OS drive, I have a drive specifically for MSFS and I'm using it for both versions. I'll need to check if the cache etc is defaulting to Appdata though, as that's where the FS2020 defaulted to without the setting changed.


Author Level
Whilst waiting for my new machine to come I’ve been reading on install paths. Is there a way to install this onto the non OS drive do you know? Seems a lot of people are complaining about it going onto their C drives and you can’t change it?
I am playing it through XBOX Game Pass - so it installed to my default drive for all game pass games - not the OS drive :D

It asked me through the process of installing it on there.

Loving the game, even spent out on a new Joystick :D for it - loving the missions etc.


There’s the game install, and the rolling cache.

It looks like the game install location is wherever you choose, but the rolling cache is always in “AppData/Roaming/Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024”…and can be in excess of 100gb if you want to cache more a reduce downloads of streaming data.

You can use the command line to make a ‘symbolic link‘ to another location though...but I’ve never tried it myself as I don’t partake in MSFS.


Active member
There’s the game install, and the rolling cache.

It looks like the game install location is wherever you choose, but the rolling cache is always in “AppData/Roaming/Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024”…and can be in excess of 100gb if you want to cache more a reduce downloads of streaming data.

You can use the command line to make a ‘symbolic link‘ to another location though...but I’ve never tried it myself as I don’t partake in MSFS.
Yes thats what it seems like looking at various bits of info on the various forums.

It does appear that you can move where your community files and cache are situated through options within the sim but I am not smart enough to understand if that means you can move them away from C drive properly or it’s just a shortcut effectively.


If I’m reading it correctly, then you’re moving the physical location and making a ‘deeper’ link than a normal windows shortcut. This ‘deeper’ link effectively acts as if it was the original location.

On the Mac we call them symlinks (symbolic links) rather than shortcuts (aka aliases on Mac) and have to be careful with them, as deleting the link deletes the actual folder it‘s linked to…but we have to use them sometimes when certain apps don’t like their data anywhere other than the OS drive :cautious: