Early reviews on Intel i7-11700k


Apple are using ARM's designs. I remember them claiming Power PC was the best back in those days based on cherry picked benchmarks, but people carried on using x86 - and then for years they u turned to telling us Intel was the best even when AMD were ahead.

It'll be interesting to see if ARM silicon becomes more popular, since Windows already supports it. Although all irrelevant until we can choose it - we're still waiting for AMD silicon options to appear on laptops :(


The M1 chips from Apple have some internal part already suited to improve x86 emulation of Rosetta 2.0 layer of MacOS. The same isn't happening on Snapdragon Arms, so far. In fact x86 emulation of Windows is crap compared to Apple's. People have assisted that Windows emulated via Parallels in Apple M1 laptops is way faster than Windows ARM machines at emulating x86 code, go figure.
We'll see in the next years.