Charlie 7474
Ah ok thank you man I’ve sent email to cancel my order so hopefully they get back to me soon. I’ll probably order another one once they send the money back. Thank you for the advice though mate. I’ll defo keep it in mind when I’m looking at what to add, I’ll also see if I can get some help like you suggested from some regulars. You have saved me from disaster so I thank you for that.If you arent in a rush, i'd cancel the order you put in and give it a day or two to get some replies off the proper regulars here and the mods.
They will be able to give you the best results, where i'm a bit out of the loop and not familiar with the current prices/latest release kit.
But you can quite safely cancel the order you put in, trust me, you dont want it.
(Or indeed, what MrWilson suggested and build a spec as a quote and get in touch with customer services...but you'll need to do it before they start building or theres extra cost......personally, lead times are good atm, i'd cancel and start fresh)