Dented case frame on arrival - Corsair 5000X


Hello all,

I had a lovely surprise today as my 3070 build was due to arrive on Monday but actually turned up today! The packaging showed some signs of heavy handling, but nothing too bad, and the PC itself was double boxed inside the case's original packaging really well.

However, when removing the polystyrene from the top of the case, I noticed that the top part of the frame on the left side wasn't sitting flush. I took off the glass panel and then saw that there was quite a significant dent to that part of the frame. I removed the internal foam to check for any other visible signs of damage (none seen) and then replaced the glass panel, at which point it promptly smashed as I started to re-seat it 😔.

I've spoken to PCS (who have been brilliant) and sent images across for them to see. I believe I'll either have the option to RMA and have everything switched to a new case, or have a new side panel sent out and make do with the dent. There may also be the option to swap out the top part of the frame but I wouldn't be confident enough to do that myself.

It's clearly taken a knock at some stage, but whether that was in transit or the case was already damaged and somehow slipped through QC I'm not sure (I doubt this). The glass panel was intact on arrival but the way it exploded when I placed it back on makes me think it was already stressed. I've powered on to check everything's functioning but done nothing further. I'd just be concerned that there may be further unknown internal damage that may manifest itself further down the line.

I'd appreciate anyone's advice on what the best next-step might be - would you opt to RMA?


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Bronze Level Poster
First off, I'm really sorry to see the damage to your new PC. It must be really disheartening after your wait.

Personally, I wouldn't want to look at that damage on what is quite a significant financial investment. It's your call really as to how you feel about that.

When I spoke to PCS earlier today regarding my faulty RTX 3070 they informed me that RMAs are currently taking upwards of two weeks to pass through their workshops. That may or may not affect your decision.

Gutted for you though mate, that's really disappointing.


At Least I Have Chicken
First of all, sorry to hear that it’s not arrived in tip-top condition, that definitely looks like the handiwork of a renegade delivery driver. Like you, I don’t believe that significant dink in the frame of the case would’ve made it through quality control.

I doubt there’d be internal damage to components, the body of the case absorbed the blow. But I’d RMA it, personally. When you’re shelling out such a significant amount of cash for a purchase you should be getting a pristine product and that’s clearly not what you’ve received.

It’ll sting to have to send it back and start the waiting process again but the payoff will be worth it.


Very much appreciate such prompt and sound advice from you both; that settles it, RMA it shall be!

You're absolutely right, it's a really significant investment and not worth settling for anything less if the option is there, and it's great that PCS are so understanding. I won't mind the additional wait and am sure this forum will continue to provide quality entertainment to help pass the time(!).

Hoping your card gets fixed soon @Turnips. Keep up the telepathy, both, that was mega impressive 🙌


i had the same issue but on the other side of my case you will need to rma it dont just take the glass as it wont fit properly.
its nice to know the double boxed yours mine was only a single box.


i had the same issue but on the other side of my case you will need to rma it dont just take the glass as it wont fit properly.
its nice to know the double boxed yours mine was only a single box.
Yep I was expecting it to only be in one box, based on a few other posts here in recent weeks, so that was a nice surprise. So sorry to hear you suffered the same and thank you for the advice. I've just seen your thread and yes, wow, that's exactly the same type of damage!