Computer wont load windows after crash.


Author Level
Hello. Sorry, but I don't mean to steal a this thread but this has happened to me. I had a power cut and then computer restarted at the windows logo screen.

So I followed all the advice here and changed the Hard Drive to AHCI and I was back in business.

Now I'm stuck on the putting my OC setting back. I have ZERO experience in OCing.

Also since the computer is back up, the Fan on top of my case is constantly ON, it's a bit loud and just ON all the time.

It wasn't like that before, the computer was rather quiet.

How do i (in stone age speed) input my OC settings and make my Fan quiet again.

I tried jumping into that screen with the BIOS but it scared me as I didn't know what the stuff was.

Order number 342499

OC Settings

DRAM: 1603
UCLK: 3208
CPU VOL: 1.3
QPI/DRAM: 1.35
DRAM BUS: 1.64

Many thanks.

Use the search bar at the top right and search for a post with "Sleinous" in the title, this thread contains a set of screenshots by me, one of them shows you how to change CPU Q Fan control to "enabled" (this will quieten down the cpu fan and put it back to auto) and there is also a chassis q fan control, enable that too for top fan.

This is based on the ASUS Rampage 3 but the tabs are very similar on most ASUS boards, gives you a good idea of what youre hunting for.


Bronze Level Poster
Thanks for your help. You guys at PCS are real heroes.

I called tech support and he sorted out my OC and annoying loud fan in 1 go.

Very happy :)