Any advice welcome, typing in desktop pc nowadays..wheres the Dell, Lenox...Acer... Amazon brings up Palicomp?, Currys - small desktop looking things...youtubers all recommend build your own.
Just want to keep it simple, budget around the £700 - £900 at a stretch. Desktop ( not Apple mini - although was tempted ), , ideally I7....4cores...32gb....SSD 1tb.... used for general stuff, but definately for editing, maybe not 4k as much, but dont want something that stutters.
Anything, advice, out there, keeping it simple.
Gaming - not really, although would like to think a new PC which is ok for editing would be capable of playing some decent games as well.
thanks in advance
Just want to keep it simple, budget around the £700 - £900 at a stretch. Desktop ( not Apple mini - although was tempted ), , ideally I7....4cores...32gb....SSD 1tb.... used for general stuff, but definately for editing, maybe not 4k as much, but dont want something that stutters.
Anything, advice, out there, keeping it simple.
Gaming - not really, although would like to think a new PC which is ok for editing would be capable of playing some decent games as well.
thanks in advance