Rumours so far are July, but remember almost every tech release over the last year has been late to market.Been hearing rumours of a new g9 out this year, any definitive knowledge of when?
I haven't read too much on it so far, but yeah, did hear the fantasy of the HDR2000 thing, that's a real shame, that was the selling point for me over mini the VESA 2k claim isn't a thing which leaves its mini led technology and that is about it, wonder if it is worth getting it or just going with the older model.
I haven't read too much on it so far, but yeah, did hear the fantasy of the HDR2000 thing, that's a real shame, that was the selling point for me over mini led.
It all depends on price. The amazing thing about the G9 is that it's actually affordable (within reason), but compared to some high end 4k panels it's really good value. Makes it very compelling.