AMD Radeon HD 7970


Staff member

I understand you will have limited supply. Can you please tell me whether these will be more readily available come Feb? I am looking into having one in the PC I intend to buy.

I also note you can't seem to Crossfire these cards. Is this a mobo constraint or simply for ordering purposes?


We have physical stock now (50 units+) so if you're wanting to order now is the time. I cannot comment of whether there will be any constraints in February, it may be better or worse than the present.

The Crossfire option is also now available.


Author Level
If i could afford the 7970, i'd go for an Intel chip, simply because i'd want the best everything. Thats my logic :p


Life Serving
I have to admit, if I was buying a pc now and had a good sized budget I'd certainly get one of these. With enough juice in psu to crossfire


Bronze Level Poster
I know its slightly off topic but any word on when to expect NVidia's Kepler/600 range? Last I heard was Q1 2012?