Advice on 4k Gaming PC


Active member
Yeah, i didn't think they'd have to tell us that that panel would have to be removed cos they are placed where the panel is, so I thought they might of been on about a different one


Active member
Not sure where you're seeing that, case side is normal on any case. That's why the vents are there is specifically for the side fans

Oh, I think you're getting confused, on the PCS description it states "motherboard cable cover needs to be removed" as an Asterix against the side fans, that's not the side panel, that's the cover that's over the side fan panel by default as in the section B of "removing the cable bar" in this manual on page 6, it's a cable management cover that would be on by default if you weren't using the side fan mounts.

But no, the side cover should always be fitted.
Sorry Spyder, for some reason I only read/seen the first paragraph of this message. If I read it properly all the replies since wouldn't of been needed😂