I am very disappointed too. I thought this should be good end for amount we paid, connect all cables and play some games. It's end up dead GPU because someone didn't connect GPU as suppose to be. unacceptable.
Thanks for your help. I jumped in this conversation because I have same issue ( bought in PCS ). I just don't understand how this setup could pass test and few days after no signal on the screen.
I'm from Ireland and return is little bit different. I had to organize delivery via UPS. but tech on the phone said for UK they can organize delivery and collection, what means- they will send new one, all you need I pack the old one and give it to driver.
btw I was waiting 3 hrs on the phone.
I had same issue 2 days ago. spoke with PCS tech on the phone he suggested to return GPU back to PCS for replacement.
I tried to swap PCIe slots but no difference. My old GPU work fine in my new setup but 6800xt shows VGA light and BOOT light on the MOBO...
I tried everything you said. Different DP cable, different hdmi cable, different monitor, nothing. I took GPU out and plugged in couple of time, no difference.
Rewired power supply again nothing. But old GPU work fine on every PCIe slot.
Dear all,
I received this PC yesterday, everything looks ok, but no signal on monitor. First it beeps once and sometimes 3 short beeps. VGA light is lit on the motherboard and shortly after boot light is on as well.
I changed PCIe slot, again nothing. I plugged in my GPU (Nvidia) and PC works...