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  1. C

    PCSPECIALIST NVidia 3000 series confirmed details

    Lol no insult dude its fine everyone is different and I myself can understand the eagerness to get your hands on some awesome kit.
  2. C

    PCSPECIALIST NVidia 3000 series confirmed details

    True but I'm just guessing the that the people who have accepted it have been through a period where things didn't happen at a click of your finger.
  3. C

    PCSPECIALIST NVidia 3000 series confirmed details

    I'll make a guess and I could be wrong. Most of the people not complaining and have more less accepted 'it is what it is' are in the age range of 35+. These people would of had dial up Internet (if they even had access to it). Posted letters, used cartridges in their consoles, Walkman, VCR...
  4. C

    PCSPECIALIST NVidia 3000 series confirmed details

    Part of the problem is we are use to living in a culture where we are use to getting things straight away.
  5. C

    PCSPECIALIST asus rog strix geforce rtx 3080 oc edition

    The strix is also the non OC version.
  6. C

    PCSPECIALIST NVidia 3000 series confirmed details

    Lol yeah I know. The pic is taken in Sweeden they got that shipment today.
  7. C

    PCSPECIALIST NVidia 3000 series confirmed details

    Do you see what I see? 👀
  8. C

    PCSPECIALIST NVidia 3000 series confirmed details

    I'm waiting on Strix. No updated email as of yet.
  9. C

    PCSPECIALIST NVidia 3000 series confirmed details

    Let's also not forget the chance to upgrade to the Samsung 980 m.2 as well 😁
  10. C

    PCSPECIALIST NVidia 3000 series confirmed details

    I've seen its an 25%+ improvement on the previous series plus I think the 5800x is spose to be cheaper than 3800x. Keep an eye for the unveiling on the 8th of this month.
  11. C

    PCSPECIALIST NVidia 3000 series confirmed details

    I know mate I've just learnt its best to suspect the worst that way your never disappointed. Plus look on the bright side you'll be able to upgrade that cpu 😉
  12. C

    PCSPECIALIST NVidia 3000 series confirmed details

    Also China are having some sort of two week celebration which may cause more hold up on shipments/ air freight.
  13. C

    PCSPECIALIST NVidia 3000 series confirmed details

    I read some where in two weeks times which further backs up the email I got from PCS. Just aim off for Dec that way you won't be disappointed lol.
  14. C

    PCSPECIALIST Are these specs good?

    @Kayshea what is the PC being used? for will be first question asked. Oh and what monitor if you are using it for gaming?
  15. C

    PCSPECIALIST NVidia 3000 series confirmed details

    Now secretly hoping the 3080's come in to stock after the new zen chips.
  16. C

    PCSPECIALIST NVidia 3000 series confirmed details

    No I got this email because I sent them one. What I'm saying is, if I remember correctly your pre production time was around the same time as mine so I would imagine this would also apply to your order as well.
  17. C

    PCSPECIALIST NVidia 3000 series confirmed details

    Think Hobnobs will be in the same boat regards to this email I think you placed your order around same time as me and are on a pre production day of 21? @hobnobs
  18. C

    PCSPECIALIST NVidia 3000 series confirmed details

    For those waiting for normal Strix. I recieved an email on the 29th Sep (only just seen it in my inbox now). Not the whole email but in short. "To make sure that a quick build is met once the graphics card arrives, we have printed the order and will be picking it on the day that this comes in...
  19. C

    PCSPECIALIST NVidia 3000 series confirmed details

    Not really. Someone could turn around and say actually I don't want order anymore. As they say "time is money."