I'll make a guess and I could be wrong.
Most of the people not complaining and have more less accepted 'it is what it is' are in the age range of 35+.
These people would of had dial up Internet (if they even had access to it). Posted letters, used cartridges in their consoles, Walkman, VCR...
I've seen its an 25%+ improvement on the previous series plus I think the 5800x is spose to be cheaper than 3800x.
Keep an eye for the unveiling on the 8th of this month.
I know mate I've just learnt its best to suspect the worst that way your never disappointed. Plus look on the bright side you'll be able to upgrade that cpu 😉
No I got this email because I sent them one. What I'm saying is, if I remember correctly your pre production time was around the same time as mine so I would imagine this would also apply to your order as well.
Think Hobnobs will be in the same boat regards to this email I think you placed your order around same time as me and are on a pre production day of 21? @hobnobs
For those waiting for normal Strix.
I recieved an email on the 29th Sep (only just seen it in my inbox now).
Not the whole email but in short.
"To make sure that a quick build is met once the graphics card arrives, we have printed the order and will be picking it on the day that this comes in...