I can't post my specs here because I can't proceed. It says that because of my motherboard I won't be able to use the usb3.0 port and if I want it to be active then I should choose another motherboard. The thing is I don't really care about that USB port and I don't want to pay an extra £50 for...
I want a desktop that can run games. The thing that will probably be the heaviest on performance would be simCity so if this setup could run that on high that would be great! Any input would be greatly appreciated. And sorry about sounding so rude in my last post I didn't realise until after I...
I am trying to create a laptop that can play games decently for a cheap price and i found this website. While I was making it the price appeared at the side and updated as I selected the components.i had created a laptop that seemed to be both very powerful and very cheap, the price at the side...