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    PCSPECIALIST Optimus XI vs Optimus XI Pro

    It depends of people, for sure they will hear it especially if the place is quiet but its not annoying according to my family (i often play in living room) they just don't care too much since they watch TV or something. its will be annoying (in my opinion) in a very quiet place like in a room...
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    PCSPECIALIST Optimus Pro XI RTX 2060 driver problem

    ok got it.. its applies only for gpu nvidia or also other drivers?
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    PCSPECIALIST Optimus Pro XI RTX 2060 driver problem

    sorry i dont really get the point, you mean that you are forced to check on official website of nvidia, intel etc. for drivers because windows update, geforce experience and stuff are not enough? what's mean " All drivers will be incompatible without editing them"?
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    PCSPECIALIST Optimus XI vs Optimus XI Pro

    hi i have standard optimus XI (i7 10750h, rtx 2060,1x16gb ram).. fan noise and thermal performance are just normal (im not gonna say fine but just normal because fan become very loud at maximum speed or even not imo.. but i guess its normal for a gaming laptop) but i can set by myself fan speeds...
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    PCSPECIALIST Optimus Pro XI RTX 2060 driver problem

    how to know if we have good or out of date drivers tho? checking on windows update, geforce experience and "device manager" in control panel is not enough?
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    PCSPECIALIST TDP RTX 2060 mobile

    Considera che stanno per uscire le rtx 3xxx.. non so quanto ne valga la pena comprare quelli che ci sono ora in effetti..
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    PCSPECIALIST Test termico

    te lo dice il programma stesso, 93°C in rosso non senza motivo
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    PCSPECIALIST 100% Disk usage

    my actual pc has an hdd.. literally everything i do in this pc teh disk usage go always to 100% i think its a must having a ssd in 2020 and not only in gaming
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    PCSPECIALIST 100% Disk usage

    it isn't because you only have an hdd as the only storage drive?
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    PCSPECIALIST Laptop performance issues

    basically temps issues is just by drivers bad installed?
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    so basically when you had bullguard the temps of your cpu were 98° and now that you removed bullguard the temps are ok? so bullguard is the main problem of many users i this forum who have bought an Optimus with temps problems like yours?
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    PCSPECIALIST Loving my Optimus :-)

    hello what's about CPU temps and fans noises when you play some heavy game? thanks for your review:giggle:
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    PCSPECIALIST Problème température CPU Optimus XI

    faut juste que tu fais gaffe à ne pas bcp undervolt, pour le reste n’affect pas sur les perf en jeu. en plus ton cpu est tres bon (i7-10750h je crois).. essaye d'abord de faire un stress test après undervolt pour voir si tout est correct.
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    PCSPECIALIST Optimus Pro XI fan control ?

    what temperature reaches the CPU when you stress it intensely? with turbo boost i mean
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    PCSPECIALIST Problème température CPU Optimus XI

    essaye de undervolt ton cpu (reduir le voltage entre -0.08v et -0.11v) ça doit chauffer moins normalment tu as du de prendre une pâte meilleur en effet ça coute que 11€ de plus.. mais tu peut toujours la changer.
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    PCSPECIALIST TDP RTX 2060 mobile

    Salve, vorrei sapere se i portatili con rtx 2060 in vendita sono ancore le vecchie con un TDP da 80/90w o quelle nuove da 115w. se no quando usciranno? parlo sopprattutto per il Optimus XI, quindi se qualcuno lo ha gia comprato e me lo puo dire ancora meglio:giggle: Grazie
  17. 0

    PCSPECIALIST Problème température CPU Optimus XI

    en effet c'est très chaud.. tu peut essayer une plaque de ventilation mais ça va pas te baisser la température de plus de 5° à mon avis. juste pour curiosité tu l'as acheté avec quel pâte thermique? celui standard ou extrême conductivité?
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    PCSPECIALIST tdp rtx 2060 mobile

    bonjour comment savoir si les ordinateur portable en vente avec les rtx 2060 sont encore avec un tdp 80/90w ou sont les nouveau avec un tdp de 115w? Sinon quand ils vont sortir dans ce site? Je parle surtout pour le Optimus XI. si quelqu'un a déjà acheté et peut me le dire encore mieux:giggle...
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    PCSPECIALIST Optimus XI Review

    how much the cpu and gpu degree reach of temperatures? i want to buy it but the heating problem is my only doubt... this dude say that his Recoil VI, cpu temperatures reach 99°C after only 2 minutes of game... and its really scare me