Recent content by TurtleMike

  1. T

    PCSPECIALIST GPU keeps crashing while gaming

    i have contacted PC specialist and they are currently assisting. i did re-install my rtx 2080 which worked fine so does seem like its a hardware issue. Thanks again for all the help
  2. T

    PCSPECIALIST GPU keeps crashing while gaming

    Think i may have to at this point. Thank you very much for the help and anyone else that has posted here. it is much appreciated :)
  3. T

    PCSPECIALIST GPU keeps crashing while gaming

    Hi i am sure i have the correct Driver installed however to make sure i have: uninstalled bull guard and does another clean install of the drivers using DDU and getting the up to date driver for my card from Nividia's website. booted up battlefield 1 to test and seem to be going well for 20...
  4. T

    PCSPECIALIST GPU keeps crashing while gaming

    i think this is the mini and kernal. Apologies i am not this technical.!Am621fzOfuA6pEAuo6Favb7NWIBp?e=8H5jrL!Am621fzOfuA6pEHAOA_tgorhHJRK?e=AxHdLf
  5. T

    PCSPECIALIST GPU keeps crashing while gaming

    Think i have done this right?!Am621fzOfuA6pD-LOAK2xYu1f6Nq?e=Xjnab2!Am621fzOfuA6pD6AY8mZxSNz5luG?e=jjZwvR
  6. T

    PCSPECIALIST GPU keeps crashing while gaming

    yeah. tested battlefield 1 for about 10 mins. everything running fine. temps all fine. Then completely freezes. The screen distorts and then restarts my PC
  7. T

    PCSPECIALIST GPU keeps crashing while gaming

    yeah. i ran DDU in safe mode and uninstalled the drivers. then did a clean install of the NVIDIA driver
  8. T

    PCSPECIALIST GPU keeps crashing while gaming

    i used 2 separate 2-6 to 8 cables.
  9. T

    PCSPECIALIST GPU keeps crashing while gaming

    Temps are fine. around 60-70 max on GPU and CPU
  10. T

    PCSPECIALIST GPU keeps crashing while gaming

    I hadn't done it using DDU. I have done this now. tested again while gaming and crashed again. additionally this time when rebooting my PC i had 1 beep then 3 quick beep and no display. Googled that it is a GPU issue so unplugged everything and checked all connections - no issues. Turned...
  11. T

    PCSPECIALIST GPU keeps crashing while gaming

    Hi all, looking for some help. I recently purchased a Zotac Trinity OC RTX 3080 from PC specialist as an upgrade to my system along with a CORSAIR 750W RMx SERIES™. I completed the upgrade myself and as far as i can tell i have done everything correctly and everything was working fine however...
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    Wow thanks for the great response i think I’ll do a little more research into this
  13. T


    Budget is between 2500-3000 including monitor. As for games primarily FPS and RPG but anything really. would the AMD be better performance wise or price
  14. T


    Looking to move to PC from console gaming. I am new to pc so plase be gentle. spec would be for all round gaming without needing to be replaced any time soon. Any advice welcome Case CORSAIR CRYSTAL SERIES 570X RGB GAMING CASE Processor (CPU) Intel® Core™ i7 Eight Core Processor i7-9700K...