Thank you! Im wondering if there is a reason you have gone with 32gb ram and the ssd? The 16gb 4800 pcs ram, and 1tb psc ssd saves about 100€, which with the bugdet is significant, and would hopefully mean a deticated graphics card sooner
**budget:** 700-1000£
**Use case:** Mainly sims 4 and light gaming. Not more than 1080p, 60 fps
**Monitor:** None. Not included in budget. Probably some small 24-27”, 1080p, 60 hz monitor
My sister has asked me to try to build her a system for about 700£ ( 7000 ddk).
I Was just wondering if it is possible for my laptop to run a 2k moniter (31.5 qhd (2560x1440), curved 144 hz 4ms response time) and if it would make sence to do so? Like could it run it but the fps would be so low that there wouldnt be a reason to it? And if so can you run a 2k moniter in...
I sent in a tech support ticket and though the person dindt have the information in hand he gave me a link to the user manual
So far I havnt been unable to fin anything, but havnt looked too thoroughly trough it yet
So I was cleaning out my laptop from dust since the cpu was getting a bit hotter than I was comfortable with. I removed the fan that has no cobber on it (that is the cpu fan, right?) And cleaned it out. I also blew some air through the air went on the outside of the laptop. No matter how...
Okay it no longer shows the "out of date" / "obsolete" warning. Still cant download the 3637 one. The optional one (KB 5004476) aslo cant download. it comes on as a warning rather than a red !
yes, but since there is currently something wrong with the updates, I dont want to throw to many variables in at the same time. If i get it to work Ill download the optional ones. Donst make sence to me to download the optional ones, when you have problems with the mandatory ones,
The main...
Im not installing optional updates, no. Its ll in Danish. if you need me to translate something just say the word. There is currently a update waiting for restart, but I was kinda hopping I could take both updates together.
okay so my pc still have problems with windows update. It now says that my current system is in danger of being outdated. The update is a diffrent KB number ( before KB5001330, now KB5003637). other, small, presumably smaller and not significant, updates have still been installed. Is there...
As far as I can tell yeah.
Recording to my "View reliability history" it have succelfully installed the following updates today
Opdatering til sikkerhedsefterretninger til Microsoft Defender Antivirus - KB2267602 (version 1.335.1040.0)
as well...
It came out with "
No component store corruption detected.
The operation completed successfully."
It came out with "
Beginning system scan. This process will take some time.
Beginning verification phase of system scan.
Verification 100% complete.
Windows Resource Protection found corrupt...