Recent content by garjobo

  1. G

    PCSPECIALIST Bit lost with all the choices - Desktop, i7, basic editing..

    Any advice welcome, typing in desktop pc nowadays..wheres the Dell, Lenox...Acer... Amazon brings up Palicomp?, Currys - small desktop looking things...youtubers all recommend build your own. Just want to keep it simple, budget around the £700 - £900 at a stretch. Desktop ( not Apple mini -...
  2. G

    PCSPECIALIST Swopsies - Ensuring windows is safe when i swop tiny SSD for a bigger SSD

    Hi, hopefully this forum will be able to answer my questions. Posting my specialist stats? has lost me completely. I have a desktop PC. - How can i find out what SSD drive i need to buy. ( I currently have a smaller SSD, 178gb, this is my c:drive. - I want to buy a new SSD, 1tb, and reinstall a...
  3. G

    PCSPECIALIST Swopsies - Ensuring windows is safe when i swop tiny SSD for a bigger SSD

    ..Replying to my own thread...thoughts also welcome on a decent 1tb ssd drive..for a desktop..was just going to plum for a samsung, "£100' or Crucial.....It would be used as my main drive where all programmes are stored.
  4. G

    PCSPECIALIST Swopsies - Ensuring windows is safe when i swop tiny SSD for a bigger SSD

    Morning everybody, A friendly bit of advice would be welcome right now. I have a tiny SSD in my desktop pc and i want to upgrade it to a larger one. Windows is stored on my SSD. I have a hardrive as well, nothing is stored on this other then videos/photos - no programmes. Question simply...
  5. G

    PCSPECIALIST A question as old as time itself ..

    Hello, here to test the intellect and speediness of forum members.. congrats to start with -you clicked onto this thread, thanks. Looking at extra ram. Yes, I have tried Crucial, MrMemory etc checking my specs....Amazon..trying to find out the Ram needed..duel layer..single layer ( duel more...