Recent content by DanDare

  1. D

    PCSPECIALIST Replacing my PCS laptop after 9 years - specs have advanced

    Understood, Scott - important consideration. rgds DD
  2. D

    PCSPECIALIST Replacing my PCS laptop after 9 years - specs have advanced

    Scott, many thanks - I'm obliged to you, just the sort of guidance I needed. I wouldn't specify a second internal SSD, since for many years I've used a series of external backup drives, essential for a pro photographer (which I was). Price is very reasonable. I'll look at your suggested spec in...
  3. D

    PCSPECIALIST Replacing my PCS laptop after 9 years - specs have advanced

    I've taken note of advice here and, feeling somewhat disheartened about my evident ignorance, tried looking around for branded alternative laptops. My blood pressure reached dangerous levels in trying to communicate with Dell, Acer, Asus, John Lewis, Currys... These firms seem determined (a) to...
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    PCSPECIALIST Replacing my PCS laptop after 9 years - specs have advanced

    I see what you guys mean about price: just been looking at Dell, Acer and Asus, sort of spec I want is £1200-£1500. Concerned at Sptder's words: "You'll need to be far more adept at windows management and troubleshooting with a custom laptop than a branded one." I assumed I'd buy from PCS since...
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    PCSPECIALIST Replacing my PCS laptop after 9 years - specs have advanced

    Further thanks, Scott and Spyder. Perhaps I've failed to explain my requirements accurately: on the one hand, I need pretty good performance for handling image files; on the other, my 9-year-old PCS laptop handles folders containing 2-3 thousand image files (small files mostly) surprisingly...
  6. D

    PCSPECIALIST Replacing my PCS laptop after 9 years - specs have advanced

    Thanks, more help, appreciated. I visited the thread suggested by Scott. Response to key factors: Monitor - in England I use the Dell Ultrasharp external monitor I've had for some years, worked fine for processing many high-res professional image files I produced as a photographer. In France I...
  7. D

    PCSPECIALIST Replacing my PCS laptop after 9 years - specs have advanced

    Thanks, that's helpful - if a little puzzling. I wonder what you mean by referring to "new laptops arriving soon". I don't need anything like a gaming laptop - I don't do all that - but I do need lots of RAM, the best/fastest everyday processor, and a sufficiently advanced spec to last me some...
  8. D

    PCSPECIALIST Replacing my PCS laptop after 9 years - specs have advanced

    Hello - I must have had my first PCS machine 20 years ago, desktop - never had a problem. But now I'm replacing my laptop after 9 years I'm out of touch. All comments on this draft spec gratefully received: Chassis & Display Initia Series: 16" Matte FHD+ 60Hz sRGB 100% LED Widescreen (1920x1200)...