Wtf - Laptop failed!?!


Active member
Turned on my laptop 20 mins ago, plugged in to mains, sitting on the kitchen table while I got on with some washing up. It got to the login screen with one of the fancy Windows 10 photography backgrounds, and I left it idling there while I was busy.

I noticed the screen flicker from across the room so walked over to this black error screen, suggesting media test failure - see photo.

As with everyone in this type of situation, I've got a load of stuff on here that I could really do with not losing. Any idea what this error is and what may have caused it.

And more importantly, what I can do to recover!!


(Struggling with attachments here through the iPhone so sorry if duplicating)
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The BSOD Doctor
What's happened is that for some reason the BIOS cannot boot the Windows OS on your hard disk (or SSD). In the BIOS there is a boot order defined and the BIOS, having failed to boot the hard disk moves on to the next device in the list. It keeps doing this until it runs out of devices to try. Almost everyone has a network boot as their last device in this boot list and that's whay you see the 'media disconnected' message.So....why did the BIOS not boot your hard disk (or SSD)? It could be because there is a problem with the drive, it could be because there is a problem with the boot information on that drive, it could even be because the BIOS can no longer 'see' that drive.As always you should try the easy things first and, as suggested, you should insert the Windows install DVD and reboot. The DVD drive should normally be the first device in the BIOS boot order so the DVD should boot. If it fails to boot you may have a more serious problem and you should call PCS. If it does book OK then choose 'Repair My Computer' and select 'Startup Repair'. That can fix most simple boot corruption issues. See how that goes. :)