After receiving everything was alright except for adding side panels fan because of a little bit bent pin. Pictures of my PC I was going to upload little bit later when I have time but now I will have to post pone it.
Everything worked great till today, while playing two different games my pc froze after a while of playing.
Then came the worst after trying to change my RAM (for G.Skill RipJawsX 4GB(1x4GB) 1600Mghz) it won't boot up and near RAM(''mem ok'') I see red light. I tried changing back or even change slots but still it doesn't work.
Any advices?
Everything worked great till today, while playing two different games my pc froze after a while of playing.
Then came the worst after trying to change my RAM (for G.Skill RipJawsX 4GB(1x4GB) 1600Mghz) it won't boot up and near RAM(''mem ok'') I see red light. I tried changing back or even change slots but still it doesn't work.
Any advices?
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