Will cleaning affect my warranty?


Active member
Just to double check, I got my laptop with 3 year silver warranty around a year ago, and I'm pretty sure it's high time to clean the fan intakes out, and have arrangements to have a professional do it. Just do double check, would opening it up to do that affect the warranty, assuming that everything gets done correctly?


Multiverse Poster
it wont affect your warranty as long as you don't damage any components. It is pretty straight forward, you could try to do it rather than paying someone.


Active member
Awesome, well I'll get it going. Just thought it'd be worth double-checking in case anything messed up in future.


The BSOD Doctor
I'm with keynes on this, have a go yourself. As long as you're careful you're not likely to do any damage. If you really want someone else to do it make sure that the professional you choose really does know what they're doing. Remember that anyone can call themselves a professional computer technician.