Which Computing Magazines do you read?


Gold Level Poster
Hello Folks,

Just out of interest, what computing mags do you read on a regular basis?

The reason I am asking is that I get PC Gamer 'cos I tend to agree with their reviewers most of the time and also PC Format to keep up to date with new hardware doing the rounds.

The only problem with PC Format (and all the other hardware mags I have seen) is that they are aimed at Desktops 99% of the time.

As a confirmed laptop driver, does anybody know of a decent mag that deals with reviewing/comparing mobile components?
I must have seen hundreds of magazines comparing the GTX680's etc, but can't remember one that has ever assessed a GTX680M.....

Cheers all,



Used to have a Custom PC subscription but that was very desktop oriented as well.

I usually buy a bunch of magazines when going on holiday, and seem to remember PC Pro did laptop group tests from time to time, but can't think of any PC magazine ever that's done reviews on individual laptop components. Not to say there isn't one out there!

I've noticed many of the magazines offer a one month free trial when taking out their subscriptions for a digital copy on mobile/tablet devices, so it might be worth signing up to a few of these and checking some different ones out properly to see what you can find?


Prolific Poster
PC Gamer myself but I have a desktop.

You can see why there isn't a laptop one though, I imagine it's because they're not as easy to upgrade and also don't always appeal to the gaming market. Normally once somebody has a laptop they stick with that model for a fair few years where as a desktop user can just swap cards out with ease, etc. I am surprised that there isn't even some sort of sub-section in PC Format though, there must be a market out there for gaming laptops still.


Superhero Level Poster
As I don't have a clue what is actually going on inside my case, I just have a long running PC Gamer sub, because that is what I am (a PC Gamer...not a sub...)


Gold Level Poster
PC Gamer myself but I have a desktop.

You can see why there isn't a laptop one though, I imagine it's because they're not as easy to upgrade and also don't always appeal to the gaming market. Normally once somebody has a laptop they stick with that model for a fair few years where as a desktop user can just swap cards out with ease, etc. I am surprised that there isn't even some sort of sub-section in PC Format though, there must be a market out there for gaming laptops still.

Good Point Grimezy, never really thought about the fact that not everybody has a PCS laptop where the warranty isn't voided as soon as you take a screw out......