What RTX 3070 models are available from PC Specialist?


New member
I have managed to get an order in, with the fast-build option, for a PC containing the RTX3070 upon its release. By any chance does anyone know what types of versions PC Specialist will likely stock for the RTX 3070? Is their potential for getting the founders edition or is it more likely going to be a different model RTX 3070?


Bronze Level Poster
Depends on supply really but it is likely anything they can get their hands on. Ordinarily it would be Pallit or Zotac...however, I believe they wer also supplying ASUS cards for the 3080s (non-Strix version). Don't believe they are supplying Founders Edition cards but I could be wrong

The only way you can get a particular card is to either source it yourself and fit it...or spend the extra to get the Strix variant
O got a Gigabyte GeForce RTX™ 3080 GAMING OC 10G, I do believe its what ever they can get there hands on at the time of build