Vortex IV and Windows 10 touchpad gestures


Active member

Windows 10 has some (nice) new touchpad gestures with 3 and 4 fingers, to invoke cortana and action center, bring task view and et cetera. I am trying to enable these gestures with the driver given at my download section for windows 10 (the device is a synaptics touchpad). Is it possible to have these gestures on vortex IV? I tried a lot but with no sucess.

Thanks In advance!


The BSOD Doctor
See whether Windows Update finds a driver, some Beta drivers are only available via Windows Update.


Active member
I tried to use the drivers from the downloads section, drivers from synaptics.com and drivers from windows update catalog, none of them enabled the gestures to invoke cortana, bring action center, or task view. I can only have two-finger scrolling, chiral scrolling and three finger press to open a app.

With windows 8.1, the touchpad had some multi finger gestures to bring the charms bar and the left panel with open apps. I can't understand why they can't update the touchpad drivers to work with the new gestures. The touchpad is multi-touch, but the drivers for windows 10 for the clevo p170sm-a (vortex iv) are rubbish.


The BSOD Doctor
I tried to use the drivers from the downloads section, drivers from synaptics.com and drivers from windows update catalog, none of them enabled the gestures to invoke cortana, bring action center, or task view. I can only have two-finger scrolling, chiral scrolling and three finger press to open a app.

With windows 8.1, the touchpad had some multi finger gestures to bring the charms bar and the left panel with open apps. I can't understand why they can't update the touchpad drivers to work with the new gestures. The touchpad is multi-touch, but the drivers for windows 10 for the clevo p170sm-a (vortex iv) are rubbish.

Well that's a Synaptics problem, they're the only ones who can update the Windows 10 drivers....


Active member
Well that's a Synaptics problem, they're the only ones who can update the Windows 10 drivers....

yeah, you're right. Unfortunately, they do not seem to be updating this driver anytime soon. The release notes for the windows 10 driver, does not even have any mention to windows 10. The software for the touchpad looks like a port from w8.1 and that's it. The hardware gets obsolete because of the lack of good software. Infuriating.


The BSOD Doctor
yeah, you're right. Unfortunately, they do not seem to be updating this driver anytime soon. The release notes for the windows 10 driver, does not even have any mention to windows 10. The software for the touchpad looks like a port from w8.1 and that's it. The hardware gets obsolete because of the lack of good software. Infuriating.

You can say that again........


Active member
sorry, my english is not so good. Did I say anything offensive? Sorry if I did, I tried to use the word to say that this issue is making me furious.

Stephen M

Author Level
You were not saying anything wrong, Ubuysa was agreeing with you. It is just English usage, "you can say that again" means you agree but are also emphasising it, quite often it is because you have had similar problems.
Don't worry about your English, it is fine. I taught English as a foreign language for a while and one of the hardest things for the students was getting used to idioms and usages, as often they are not obvious and cannot be translated easily. Even simple little saying like fingers crossed changes with languages. it means good luck, if someone is wishing you luck they might say "I will keep my fingers crossed." The Germans have a similar saying but they say die Daumen drücked - the thumbs pressed.


The BSOD Doctor
sorry, my english is not so good. Did I say anything offensive? Sorry if I did, I tried to use the word to say that this issue is making me furious.

You were not saying anything wrong, Ubuysa was agreeing with you. It is just English usage, "you can say that again" means you agree but are also emphasising it, quite often it is because you have had similar problems.
Don't worry about your English, it is fine. I taught English as a foreign language for a while and one of the hardest things for the students was getting used to idioms and usages, as often they are not obvious and cannot be translated easily. Even simple little saying like fingers crossed changes with languages. it means good luck, if someone is wishing you luck they might say "I will keep my fingers crossed." The Germans have a similar saying but they say die Daumen drücked - the thumbs pressed.

Yes, I was agreeing with you. :)

I'm sorry, I hadn't realised you were not a native English speaker, your written English is that good. :)

As Stephen M says, "you can say that again" is a way of emphasising that I agree with you. I'm truly sorry if you thought otherwise.

Stephen M

Author Level
I hadn't realised you were not a native English speaker, your written English is that good.sorry if you thought otherwise.

One thing I noticed a lot from my teaching days was that the grammar of English as a second language students was usually better than a lot of native English speakers.