Vortex 3 - Possible to upgrade?


Rising Star
Hello there :)
I have the Vortex 3 with a GTX675MX as the graphics card, would it be possible to upgrade this? Does the 880m use the same socket? Will I have enough power? Any info would be much appreciated, I checked the upgrade service but there are no other gfx cards available there so I'm just wondering if it is possible?


Bright Spark
The Vortex III has been superceded by the Vortex IV so the older componants are probably no longer held in stock. You would have enough power for the 880M but would need to obtain the card from other sources. As such, checking that you have a compatible card and fitting it would be entirely at your own risk and not covered by the PCS warranty.

Should you continue, download the P170EM Service Manual http://www.pcspecialist.co.uk/files/misc/P170EM_manual.pdf

Instructions for removing and installing the video card are in figures 16 and 17 on pages 2-20 and 2-21.


Bronze Level Poster
I think he was asking the same question that has been popping into my head recently, and that is: Will the 880m be compatible with the Vortex III? I own a 15.6" one, and was looking to upgrade. Power aside, are all the sockets and the architecture the same? And is swapping a case of ripping out the old one and plopping a new one in (Obviously dumbed down a bit)? Or will there need to be some kind of BIOS upgrade or something?


Multiverse Poster
You may need a bios upgrade, I would try contacting PCS to see whether or not is possible.


Bright Spark
Sorry, did not look too closely at the number. It would of course have to be the 680M, hence my comment about old componants being out of stock.

I don't know if it is possible to fit the 880M.
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Rising Star
Yeah, that's what I'm after. I know the 680m or 680mx would fit as they are definitely compatible, I was wondering if the 880m is possible, even if I need a BIOS upgrade it's ok, i'm pretty happy changing the cards myself, the Vortex's are really easy to dismantle and build up, i've done this a few times to clean it.

I suppose I just need to know if the card footprints are the same and if the power draw of the 880m would be too much? I'll give PCS a call later on and report back.
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