Vertex 3D GPU and CPU issue in games


Active member

So this issue just started this month. The laptop usually is used for a pieriod of 1-2 month per year when I travel so after 3 years that I have it it was maybe used for 10 months in total...

In any case I have issue in games.

If I play BF4 or starcraft the laptop jump between 90 FPS and 20 fps. Every 20 seconds or so. It looks like something overheats then he changes to CPU Intel HD mode where he lags then he comes back to Nvidia GPU and goes smooth. What can I do ? Fans are pretty clean...
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Bright Spark
Hello Dariusz,

Have you updated to the latest drivers? I believe a fair few people have had trouble with BF4 and Nvidia cards - it might be worth upgrading both the Intel and the Nvidia ones - do that and pop back on and let us know.


Active member
Turned out to be dust in fans. Once I cleaned it up CPU went down from 97 to 84 and GPU to 74. Guess every 6 months I need to give it a clean.