United States Delivery


New member
So, I live in Tennessee, United States. I have been looking for a place to find a gaming PC within my budget. I finally found this after an exhausting search. The only issue? You don't ship to the U.S. I tried the United States version of this site, but it's very undeveloped and not as helpful as the U.K. version. I don't care if you have to charge shipping. With the low prices I've seen on this site, I would gladly pay shipping. Could you please consider this, or if someone knows a better alternative, please tell me


Biblical Poster
You would need to contact PCS directly to find out if it is possible and to also get a quote on the delivery charges. Alternatively, CyberPower and Origin I believe are the closest thing to PCS in the US.


Prolific Poster
This question would best be asked over live chat, email or the phone since the forums aren't an official channel of support, best do one of those and they can give you an answer :)


If I got the time tomorrow I will sit on live chat and find out for you. It's all very well us saying contact them directly but with time zone differences and call costs then will be a pain to sit and wait on a email reply.
No promises but I shall see if I can contact live chat during break tomorrow or something and ask for you.


Biblical Poster
Can't seem to find it at the moment. It may have been removed from the website either temporarily or permanently. You may need to email PCS if you are not in the UK.


It only pops up at the bottom of the site (The main site not forums) when it is online.
So you wont see it out of working hours.