
We love you Ukraine
Hi all

Moving to PC Gaming requires some knowledge on adjusting graphical settings to get best performance, especially when on a more budget system, or with some games that aren't ported so well to PC and have rogue settings that can either be turned down or even disabled.

For most games, if you google optimal graphics settings for that game, there will be loads of suggested settings that can be adjusted to increase framerates without sacrificing visual fidelity too much, often without reducing visual quality at all.

There are many many different settings types and RTX has grown this quite hugely, but here's a good synopsis of the most frequently used ones:



We love you Ukraine
Linus TT have just done a fantastic video on the pointlessness that is “max settings”. Some people see this in reviews and think that if it can’t max out their monitor refresh at max settings then the card isn’t suitable, and that’s kind of entirely missing out on what a gaming computer is all about:



At Least I Have Chicken
Linus TT have just done a fantastic video on the pointlessness that is “max settings”. Some people see this in reviews and think that if it can’t max out their monitor refresh at max settings then the card isn’t suitable, and that’s kind of entirely missing out on what a gaming computer is all about:

Great video, and thanks to @MrWilson for bringing it to our attention. The video makes all the right points, even if you’re a professional, chasing ultra settings at all times is ultimately an enigma.


Ultra settings always turns on a bunch of garbage settings I hate like motion blur and chromatic aberration :sick:

You're better just taking the couple minutes and picking your own settings based on your own preference. It also helps you learn what all the settings are and what they do


At Least I Have Chicken


We love you Ukraine
Linus TT have just done a fantastic video on the pointlessness that is “max settings”. Some people see this in reviews and think that if it can’t max out their monitor refresh at max settings then the card isn’t suitable, and that’s kind of entirely missing out on what a gaming computer is all about:

Follow up on the nonsense that is "ultra" settings



Staff member
Linus TT have just done a fantastic video on the pointlessness that is “max settings”. Some people see this in reviews and think that if it can’t max out their monitor refresh at max settings then the card isn’t suitable, and that’s kind of entirely missing out on what a gaming computer is all about:

My favourite moment of gaming was the PUBG launch. When everyone turned their display settings to potato mode to see people hiding in bushes. All these high and mighty PCs running a game with zero textures just to play more "competitively"