Types of GPU's

I would like to know, what types of GPU's are there from Zotac and Palit, in terms of GTX 1080's, I am aware that PCspecialist gives the Zotac Mini Gtx 1080 and the Palit Dual GTX 1080, are there any others? (Except the Asus Rog strix as well)


Multiverse Poster
PCS have used Zotac AMP!, as well as Founders Editions. IIRC Palit Jetstreams too.

If you're asking what other models there are in general, there are others like gamerock, superjetstream from palit, as well as the Dual OC. Zotac have Amp Extremes and.. Amp Omega? Also one designed for watercooling. There's also an OEM version which is like the FE but with a black cooler.

I think PCS even once used a Galax GTX 1060.

It can vary, and what they're using today might not be what makes it into your build depending on stock. You can always ask them what they're using at the moment though by phoning them up if you're interested :)
Thanks, I also have another question, I ordered an Ultima X01 a few weeks ago, and it was delivered to me on this Tuesday, 16/1/2018, and when compared too the review model, it did not contain RGB ram, but the standard one, while the RGB version was clearly show in the review model, too the GPU is a Zotac gtx 1080 mini, which is different from the show Palit superjet stream/dual OC show, should I contact PCspecialist or can I not really, I'm just pretty picky with these things.


When you select order now, the spec shows the standard RAM and not the RGB as shown in the review. I guess this is a little misleading but you do get what you selected and paid for. PCS always change their GPU's, brands as well as variants. In all honesty, one 1080 is as good as any other in terms of performance.


Multiverse Poster
Although the unit they supplied had a Palit GTX 1080 (that's not a Jetstream, that's either a Dual or Dual OC - and probably a Dual rather than an OC) they only offer the system with a "GTX 1080" without specifying the brand.

Obviously "bait and switch" is a terrible practice and you're right to be on your guard for that. However, I don't think that's at all the case here:

a) It's not like they supplied it with an EVGA GTX 1080 Classified and then switch to a reference model.

b) It's normal for PCS's supply to vary between Palit and Zotac, and PCS actually say:
Our NVidia GTX Cards are normally (but not exclusively) PaLiT cards.

c) The Zotac Mini is actually clocked higher than Palit Dual, and the same as the Palit Dual OC:
Z Mini: https://www.zotac.com/us/product/graphics_card/zotac-geforce-gtx-1080-mini#spec
P Dual OC: http://www.palit.com/palit/vgapro.php?id=2817&lang=en&pn=NEB1080U15P2-1045D&tab=sp
P Dual: http://www.palit.com/palit/vgapro.php?id=2871&lang=en&pn=NEB1080015P2-1045D&tab=sp

So I don't think that's an issue at all, but you obviously need to make your own mind up about what's satisfactory :)

As for the RAM, that's a bit different since it is something that is in the review model, and which (unlike the GPUs) PCS do have a separate listing for.

I suppose the question is whether the order you placed lists it as the 3000MHz or the 3000MHz RGB. (as Jerpers says, currently it clearly says it's the regular 3000MHz RAM)

If your order says it's RGB and that's not what you got, that would be a complaint about not getting what you ordered. If your order clearly says it's just 3000MHz RAM without the RGB, unlike the review model that did, then that would have been a decision for you to make at the time of placing the order :) However, you could still email PCS to feed that concern back and ask why they made the change.
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