Bored, and cant sleep as I'm awaiting my laptop delivery this morning so came up with this:-
"Our Father who art in Holmfirth,
hallowed be your screwdrivers.
Your sandy bridges come,
your laptops will be done,
on 720p as it is on 1080p.
Give us this day our Nvidia graphics cards,
and forgive us our pre-production times,
as we forgive those that complain about their delivery times.
And lead us not into Pc World,
but deliver us from Curry's
For yours is the Processor benchmark, the PCMark05, and the 3DMark Vantage,
For ever and ever, Fragmen."
"Our Father who art in Holmfirth,
hallowed be your screwdrivers.
Your sandy bridges come,
your laptops will be done,
on 720p as it is on 1080p.
Give us this day our Nvidia graphics cards,
and forgive us our pre-production times,
as we forgive those that complain about their delivery times.
And lead us not into Pc World,
but deliver us from Curry's
For yours is the Processor benchmark, the PCMark05, and the 3DMark Vantage,
For ever and ever, Fragmen."