The danger of 2020


The BSOD Doctor
We're in the habit when writing dates on forms, contracts, payment slips, etc. etc. of abbreviating the date into the last two digits; 25/12/19 for Christmas Day last year for example. This might be a dangerous thing to do with 2020.

If you make a contract with someone who is less than completely honest and date it today; 6/1/20, it's entirely possible for the other party to add a 19 to the year and make it appear as though the contract (and thus any payments) date from a year ago (2019). The scamming possibilities for the less than honest of us writing the date simply as '20' are endless. :eek:

For your own safety and peace of mind, for this year please always write the date as 2020 and never as just 20. 🙄


Well-known member
That is some /r/showerthoughts right there o_O
Definetinly a good idea in all fairness. Especially on handwritten documents.