Switch to the 3070 but the prices keep changing


I was going to switch to the 3070 yesterday from the 3060ti and it was around £200 but decided to do it today since i didn’t have any time yesterday and now the price has risen to around £300 so im wondering how long it would takr for the price to lower back down. Maybe a couple of days?


I was going to switch to the 3070 yesterday from the 3060ti and it was around £200 but decided to do it today since i didn’t have any time yesterday and now the price has risen to around £300 so im wondering how long it would takr for the price to lower back down. Maybe a couple of days?
With how volatile the GPU market is right now it's impossible to tell, it could be a few days, it could be a month, it might even go up another £100 in the next 24 hours. I've seen £1,300 builds turn into £1,400 overnight so it's definetly possible.

Also have you had your build checked by the forum? If you are only gaming with no plans to stream and don't plan on using Ray Tracing, the 6700XT could be another option, last time I saw, it was about £60 cheaper than the 3070 (it sits between the 3060TI and 3070)