spanning games on triple monitors?


Rising Star
Hey everyone just got my 3rd monitor today, I have been into the settings and configured surround and clicked span displays with surround, this made my monitors act as one giant monitor - in short I hate it, so I have gone back into the settings and clicked activate all displays, now this I love, three separate displays that I can now properly multi-task, I have used a program called display fusion to span my desktop background across all three displays instead of 3 images. the one thing I cant do is play a game in nvidia surround with out going into the settings and spanning the displays with surround - resetting my settings and stuff - very frustrating.. has anyone got a work around or am I doing something wrong?


Multiverse Poster
When I span into 3 screens each screen is independent. I can have 3 different things running on each screen.


Silver Level Poster
I'll be interested in the answer. As I've mentioned this idea to my bf. He says it can't be done, even tho he just has a psp3 & has no pc skills ;)