Slot Loadind CD/DVD drive


Active member
Do PCS have any plans to include a slot-loading cd/dvd drive in any chassis upgrades Q1 2011

In particular the enigma II or it's successor



Staff member
We can source a slot loading DVD drive for you, we have stocked these in the past. However, they're quite expensive, possibly £20 more than the default version. Would you be happy for pay this much extra?


Active member

Yep, if it's possible to include a slot-loading dvd drive, i'd certainly be happy to pay the extra £20 or so if this could be included, i'm looking at the Enigma i7 total current price approx £924


Staff member
OK - place an order and contact our call centre on Monday and mention that PCS said we can source a drive. We'll create you a sub-order for the drive and ensure this is actioned. :)


Active member
Superb PCS thanks for that

I will definately be placing an order but it won't be while Mid January i'm afraid (I'm going away until early Jan !!)

Hope that's OK,

I am happy to place a deposit now if that helps as confirmation of commitment to buy in January


Staff member
Just let us know nearer the time and we'll hopefully source you a slot loading drive :)