Skyfire III 15.6"/MSI 16F4 Hotkeys?


Hey all I've got a PCSpecialist Skyfire III 15.6" Laptop. (Intel i7 4710MQ, 16gb ddr3, 1tb Samsung 850 Evo, GTX970m 3Gb, Windows 10 Pro). And I'm confused about the touch sensitive hotkeys above the keyboard. I took a photo:


So going from left to right:

P1 Button = ????
Turbo Fan Button
Keyboard backlight Button
Aeroplane Mode
Random Square Button = ????
Eject button???? (doesn't actually eject the dvd drive)

So basically my questions are, what is the P1 button, whats the random square button, and why doesn't the eject button work? I've pressed the P1 button and square button numerous times, can't tell if they're doing anything or not.

Any help would be great!


Stephen M

Author Level
Did you download the manual to check, it states it is for the 16F4, the pics may be a little different.


Well it seemed like the same laptop, just a different chassis. I ended up contacting PCSpecialist on the phone about the issue and then they said they found the software and would upload it to the Win8.1 driver section.

I downloaded the SCM software from the page you linked, and I downloaded the SCM software PCSpecialist provided. They seemed identical, just that the PCSpecialist version was older. So I installed the newer one you linked to from the MSI website and it appears to have worked perfectly :)

Thanks for your help Stephen!