We love you Ukraine
So there haven't been too many recent leaks of this, this is an early announcement video followed by a more in depth discussion about what it actually is.
So this baby goes live at 9pm Eastern Time on 31/10/2023 which is 1am on 01/11/2023 for us brits (I think but clocks change this Saturday which may have screwed my maths)
There is a registration site here: https://register.ascension.com/realms/MILE/protocol/openid-connect/registrations?client_id=murkwood-public&redirect_uri=https://ascension.com/&state=ae14738d-aa37-46a5-adf5-1757e2d6ae69&response_mode=query&response_type=code&scope=openid&nonce=c943eedb-90fd-4419-bcf2-2ca24f5da81c&code_challenge=tgzk4EaDbTnsCNw4n7aAA8qQRc_DsjrrZZOkegM-h-g&code_challenge_method=S256
There are apps for both Android and Apple, and you can log into the site above after registration