Sending case before order placed

Hi, I'm soon to order a PC with the custom case option. Would there be any problem with buying the case and shipping it to your premises before I actually place the order? Im waiting for a cheque to clear before buying the PC itself but I'd like to order the case before the weekend if possible. If this is okay, should I had the case supplier include anything on the invoice for identification or will my name be fine?



Silver Level Poster
usually you would include a note with the item having your order number on it, but since you dont have one you would have a problem with that. however, im sure if you phone up and talk to a rep they could find a way around it.


Staff member
It should be OK, because when you ship in a case we hold it until it's required for an order and then cross reference who the case has come from with who the order is for. Send us an email once you've placed the order to let us know.
Excellent. I've ordered the case and it should be with you on Friday. I'm likely to order the PC itself tomorrow or the next day, I just wanted to minimise any disruption a delay on the case might have caused. I've sent an email to the enquiries(at) address.
