Robots! Damn robots everywhere!


We love you Ukraine
Are we ready for the rise of the robots???

It's Tesla Day on Friday this week and Elon has confirmed they're going to have the first live demonstration of the upcoming Tesla Bot!

Hold onto your horses

Last year it was streamed live on their YouTube channel:

As well as their main site:

There's no official word on times yet, but rumours are it will be 5PM Palo Alto time which is Pacific Time (GMT-7) or 1AM on Saturday morning UK Time


We love you Ukraine
So some quick highlights

It's obviously still rather early in development, but a lot of these tasks are remarkably advanced and the fluid movement (allbeit quite cumbersome currently) is really challenging from what I understand in robotics.

The front liners in automation are Boston Dynamics who were owned by Hyundai, but previously spun out of MIT University in USA. They have more advanced speed and fluidity, but they've been at it for a lot longer.


We love you Ukraine
So they have quite a few pre production models that have been let loose around Tesla factories and places so they can start gathering real world data to improve the hive mind AI. It's scary, won't be long before these are in rich peoples houses and factories



Behold The Ford Mondeo
Saw a meme today regarding 2001 a Space Odyssey. Granted, the timeline is a little off but there's a scene where the crew are sitting having lunch while looking at their flat screen tablets (Like iPads). Not long after it goes a little pete tong with the AI.

Be afraid, be very afraid :D


We love you Ukraine
Saw a meme today regarding 2001 a Space Odyssey. Granted, the timeline is a little off but there's a scene where the crew are sitting having lunch while looking at their flat screen tablets (Like iPads). Not long after it goes a little pete tong with the AI.

Be afraid, be very afraid :D
That film, in fact a lot of sci fi was so ahead of its time.

One of my all time favourite sci fi writers, Isaac Asimov, wrote some insanely detailed stuff in the 40s and 50s, if you read over the detail in some of his descriptions of theoretical processes for time travel and AI, you would t be considered nuts to think he'd was a time traveller.

I know I've probably mentioned him before, but I Robot with Will Smith was based on a load of his short stories.

The recent series "Foundation" is from one of his books also.


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all seems fine

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nothing to worry about im sure