Restore Factory Setting recovery


Active member
Hi guys,

I have two drives on my laptop, the primary drive is a SSD and secondary HDD.
My SSD is full. I know I can transfer the files to the HDD but don't know which folders/files won't mess up the computer when deleted.
I know if I restore factory settings it will wipe all my personal files from the SSD but does it also wipe the HDD?
Is there a way to do the restore factory settings on the SSD and not the HDD?



Superhero Level Poster
You can reinstall windows on the SSD without having any effect on the HDD, just be sure you do install it on the SSD as if you do accidentally do it on the HDD it will wipe it.


The BSOD Doctor
Restore factory settings does exactly what it says, it's restores the laptop to exactly the state it was in when you took delivery. So if it came with stuff pre-installed on the SSD and HDD then after the factory restore both the SSD and HDD will contain only what was on them when you took delivery. That said, it's unlikely the HDD will be changed, but the SSD most certainly will.

The safest option is to backup all your user data before you attempt a factory restore.