Recoil 2 volume levels?


Does anyone else think the volume level of their recoil 2 seems very low, I have it turned up to 100 but I find the sound not loud enough. Is it the speakers on all recoils, just my speakers or have I got a software or driver or settings issue I can't see?


Multiverse Poster
Have you tried headphones/earphones? How is the sound level with those?

Not saying headphones are a solution, just wondering from a troubleshooting point of view.

(as an aside, I have the opposite on my Dell where on headphones anything over 20/100 for volume will blow your eardrums even with fairly sedate classical music :/)


Hi, yes. It seems much louder and clearer with headphones. Now wondering if it is simply the standard of the speakers or something not right with mine. I guess it being fine with headphones removed the chances of any software or driver issues.