PC Help Needed urgently pls


Bronze Level Poster
My PC kept 'blueing screening' (Windows XP) but then went turning back on the PC I get the start windows in safe mode or normally.... However, when selecting either It reboots and then goes straight back to this windows in safe mode or normally stage again!! It is just on loop.

Can I repair with from the Windows CD or do reinstall? If reinstall, I need graphics driver & sound driver. can I find out which drivers I need from looking at the card itself???



Bright Spark
hmm if you can't even get into safe mode that is a bit of a worry, yes try booting from XP cd and doing a repair first.
if you can't even get it to boot from cd it might point to a possible overheating issue. though it could be one of many things.

Edit : thinking of other reasons... graphics card or memory (try reseating memory and if you have multiple sticks try just one at a time or different pairs)

oops assuming it was out of warranty
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Bronze Level Poster
thanks for your suggestions.

Gorman, this is NOT a PC supplied by you guys (im getting one from you in the NY's though!)


Author Level
If its Nvidia, its quite easy to find which drivers to use. ATI I think you just install the catalyst. It may well be your GPU has died, this would cause a failed windows boot, but thenm again there's 101 million other reasons why its not booting. Try a repair (not holding much hope on it though cosidering its XP lol..) then a fresh install. (backing up your data first if necessary by taking HDD out of comp and plugging into another comp).


Bronze Level Poster
Thanks for your help.... Useful. The only issue is that I need to find out what graphics card it is (its only an basic thing supplied with it many moons ago)... Will this be typically written on the card itself? I know I had issues finding out what the driver was last time as I dont really know what Im looking for.. Make & model will be written on the card, right???

Thanks all


Author Level
usually yes, unless its OEM (packaged in witha Dell Sony Acer etc comp) then it may be a bit harder to find. A simple pic and we should be able to determine what youre looking at.


Bronze Level Poster
It might be an OEM.... I may take up your kind offer and pop a piccy over if I run into diffculites. Like I say, i will be a customer of yours come the n/y

thanks again


Bronze Level Poster
If it is OEM, how would I find the graphic controller details do you think? Im thinking the PC is Hewlet Parkard but not totally sure.... its just an old office one you ee