Overclocking vs Turbo Boost


Author Level
When you overclock you are running the cpu faster than it was designed for which makes it run hot, so its a fine line between getting a safe temperature and a stable speed. This is done for each overclock machine as every chip is different, the amount a cpu can be overclocked depends on many things even down to the sand the thing is made from.

When we get a stable overclock the last thing you want is BIOS "boosting" in a hurr durr, lets add 20% to the clock speed durrr way. a 3.8 overclock becomes a 4-4.2 overclock and the chip dies.


Silver Level Poster
Do one or the other, not both at the same time.

I'm none too sure if the boost will apply if you've OC'ed the system but it would be advisable to turn off the Boost function if so needed.