Our forums now support your Gamer ID's: Steam, Xfire, Xbox, PS, Wii


Staff member
You can now share your gamer ID's with our forum community! You can do so by editing your profile section and completing the relevant details. Happy gaming :D

1) For showing the PSN GamerCard, you must do the following:
US: Login to us.playstation.com -> My Profile -> Portable ID -> Generate Portable ID.
EU: Login to eu.playstation.com -> My Account -> My Portable ID -> Generate Portable ID.

2) For showing the Steam GamerCard, you must do the following:
Login to steamcommunity.com -> Edit SteamID -> Copy the text from the "Custom URL" box into the Steam ID field.
* Steam GamerCard is not official and generates from steamcard.com.

3) XFIRE mini profile & EU PSN images will resize with mouse hover.


Ive sent a few of you steam invites, was to many to write a pm to everyone so just incase you get an invite from xavien you know its this xavien :)


Master Poster
I wish invites on steam were a little more obvious, I didn't realise till I read here lol.