'OS you are using cannot be supported'

Hi all,
just bought a new laptop and am already experiencing a few problems.
I emailed enquiries a few hours ago, but wanted to also post here to get some help faster.

Ok, so, big list of problems.
Aside from very slow loading and and downloading, I am unable to access the user's manual, as adobe reader will not launch from the disc, nor install from adobe.com. I am unable to download other browsers aside from internet explorer. The speakers will not play sound, aside from system sounds. When I attempt to install the drivers from the install disc, I get the error message ''OS you are using cannot be supported!!''.
Task manager will not close programs at random intervals, resulting in the laptop freezing and failing to respond.
Downloading programs will register as complete and stop, despite the download not actually finishing.

The one im most concerned with is ''OS you are using cannot be supported'', as its preventing me from reinstalling my drivers.
I would appreciate any help with this.


Author Level
Hello The Beast.

I assume your using windows 8, most of the problems your having sound like software problems.

If you put the Disc, into the machine and right click to explore the disc instead of running the disc you should eb able to access the drivers and install them from there. I know on my windows 8 machine they just wont run from the EXEC program.

Which Laptop is it you have?

Hi, I have windows 7, Optimus V.
It should be stated that I have the technical prowess of caveman.
So im not sure how to install the drivers directly.
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Author Level
Hmm, weird, should be working on windows 7.

What happens when you try to download Adobe from the official website? Whats the error message?


Bright Spark
Check that you have the right drivers disc. If the OS is Win 8, it should be the drivers disc for Win 8.
Everythings working great now guys thanks, you've been awesome help.
Only 1 problem left, and thats the audio.
Everything is fine with headphones in, but without headphones only the system sounds play, nothing else.
Ive reinstalled all the drivers, and dont know what else to do.


Bright Spark
Click on the speaker icon on the taskbar, then click on 'Mixer'.

For the Device, expand the Speakers options. There should be a choice for 'Digital Output' or 'Speakers'.
My options are:

USB Audio Device (my headset)- Only one that works.
Speakers (VIA HD Audio)- the one I need to work
SPDIF Interface (TXO) (VIA HD Audio)- untested.


Bright Spark
Mine is a Vortex III and it has the Realtek High Definition audio. I can switch from speakers to audio output but do not have external speakers to test. Have you unplugged the headset.


I only have a web based solution and thats to goto


Your Clevo Model Number is W350STQ i think look for the drivers for the W35XX/ST Series and look for all and it will give you all the drivers.

And i would call PCS before they close on 0333 011 7000 to get the proper disc sent to you

There open till 8

I PM'ed you about this but I was wondering if anyone else knew the page but I cannot find the right model number in the drop down, anyone else know what one it is?